A little while ago I gave you eight tips to help when you are pondering how you’ll generate new business as times get back to normal! Here are 9 more points to remember if you’re planning to create a newspaper advert, a handbill, or an offer on your website or in social media.

  1. Have a coupon, or easy response mechanism for digital offers; you’d be surprised how often they’re used… months after too.
  2. And the body copy (the “guts’ of the advert) follows the AIDA formula.
  3. With loads of proof of claims made, particularly by the use of testimonials.
  4. And, where possible the solution being offered should be a cure not prevention.
  1. A photo (or less effectively, an illustration) should be used where it builds the case being made.
  2. Generally, one larger photo at the top of the advert with the headline underneath.
  3. All photos should be captioned so the reader understands what they illustrate.
  4. Whilst artists love it, don’t reverse out of a solid colour (typically white print on black).
  5. Use serif type fonts for headlines (Times Roman, Courier, Garamond and Bookman are typical) rather than san serif type styles (like Helvetica).

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If you don’t know how to sell the benefits your advertisements just won’t work! Get these simple, sensible rules and easy to follow instructions, tips and hints to make writing great adverts a piece of cake.