So you’ve got a little time to sit down and ponder how you’ll generate new business when times get back to normal or even now! For a simple advertisement, which could be in a newspaper, a handbill, on the web or in social media, here are some points to remember. There’ll be more points in the next article.

  1. The headline is 80% of the impact and deserves you devoting 80% of your think time to creating it.
  2. A positive headline works better than a negative one.
  3. The body copy should amplify and explain the headline.
  4. Maybe 3-4 paragraphs typically of 2-3 sentences each of 10-15 words.
  5. It should lure or persuade the reader to read on.
  6. Have the reader identify with what’s being said because it’s pitched at their self-interest.
  7. The reader should form the opinion that here is the answer to their prayers.
  8. And the advert should compel them to take action now (which should be easy to do immediately by calling in or writing or by free phone or e-mail at any hour).

Download Winston’s fantastic “How to write a great advertisement” for just $40

If you don’t know how to sell the benefits your advertisements just won’t work! Get these simple, sensible rules and easy to follow instructions, tips and hints to make writing great adverts a piece of cake.