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Dear Friend,

Constipated?  Stuck?  Straining?  Bloating?  Aches?

Is your doctor stumped?

Give me five minutes of your time, and I'll explain how the contents of this teeny capsule can erase decades of digestive misery TOTALLY...and FAST.

Relief can begin in only hours.

And NO drugs, suppositories, fiber, fancy diets or cleanses are needed...ever.
That’s NOT a promise...it’s a scientific fact backed by over 10,000 human tests and 110 separate clinical studies.

What’s more, these results were recently confirmed by a blue-ribbon panel of 21 of the world’s TOP gastroenterologists, MDs, scientists, and researchers.  The research was commissioned by The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).1

The EFSA is Europe’s version of our Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  

And guess what?  The scientists were unanimous.

They all concluded that the breakthrough ingredient (called BB536), now available to the public in a professional-level probiotic called ComfortPro, is pure magic for your digestion.

“The Most Effective”...

Harvard scientists reported that the #1 ingredient in ComfortPro “increased the number of weekly bowel movements and helped soften stools, making them easier to pass [and is] the most effective.2

What exactly is BB536?

BB536 is the world’s FIRST “Bioidentical Probiotic.”

It’s SO effective, scientists are calling it The Poopmaker.

What does “bioidentical” mean?  It means that BB536 is a perfect genetic match to the same probiotic strain you were born with.
It was BB536 that gave you perfect digestion and regularity when you were a kid.  (More about this, in a moment.)

But now, as you age, your supply is running out.  And you can’t make any more BB536 on your own. When it’s gone...it’s gone. The only solution is to replenish your supply with a supplement. But 99% of all probiotics contain zero BB536.
ComfortPro delivers a mother lode of BB536 to repair, restore, and rejuvenate your digestive tract.  When you take it, the result is often miraculous.

One scientist who studied the BB536 in ComfortPro observed that it’s like giving 90-year-olds the healthy digestive tracts of 30-year-olds.

Simply take one ComfortPro capsule and here’s what happens next...

And there’s much more, including...

And SO much more!

Announcing the end of pooping pebbles and rocks.
And No More Ouch!

ComfortPro is the only dietary supplement with clinically studied ingredients to give you SOFTER, more gentle poops every day like clockwork.

I’ve got an announcement to make:  This is the end of pooping pebbles and rocks.  From now on, no more Ouch!

If you’ve ever wondered why you’re passing rocks instead of normal stools, here’s why. . .

When doctors evaluate a patient who’s constipated, the first thing they try to identify is called the “transit time.”

And it’s just what it sounds like.  It’s a measure of how fast your poop travels through your digestive tract.

If it travels too fast, your stool is watery and unpleasant.  You know the feeling.

If it travels too slow, your colon actually sucks all the water from the poop leaving it dry and hard as a rock.

As a result, you feel bloated, full, and achy.

It’s no surprise really, you’re actually trying to pass a cup of pebbles...or sharp, pointy ROCKS.

And when it finally happens, there’s a good chance the hard stool will “scrape” your hemorrhoids and make life just miserable.

If you’re like most of the 63 million Americans who suffer from chronic constipation, you’ll do anything to avoid that feeling again.

So you head to the drug store and grab the first laxative you can find. There are a bunch of different types: stool softeners, bulk formers, lubricants, stimulants, and high-tech hyperosmotics.

Hyperosmotics actually help draw water from outside the colon wall...and back into the poop.

In essence, this is a complete reversal of your body’s natural process.  Later in this report, I’ll explain why these “cures” can be catastrophic for your colon.  It may even lead to intestinal paralysis.

So what, exactly, is the real trigger for your constipation and misery?

It’s a fundamental imbalance of the good and bad bacteria in your digestive system.

And the good bacteria are losing.

Here’s the short course on how it works:

When you were born, your digestive system was a blank slate.

Then, starting with birth, and your mother’s breast milk, your colon was populated with a very beneficial strain of bacteria called Bifidobacterium longum or B. longum, for short.

For the next two years or so, the B. longum would thrive and multiply in your gut.

And it was pure magic for your digestion.

You were clockwork regular.

Your stools were soft. 

And they slid out almost effortlessly.

Even better, the B. longum delivered almost perfect pooping for decades.

There’s only one problem.

Over time, your supply of B. longum ran out thanks to a poor diet, stress, pollution, lack of exercise, and even OTC and prescription drugs – especially antibiotics.

All of these can cause serious digestive problems.

Why?  Because they kill your body’s precious supply of friendly B. longum bacteria.

At the same time, your gut gets overwhelmed by billions of bad bacteria. And they outnumber your GOOD bacteria 1000 to one!

Doctors call it "GUT MUD" and it's PACKED in every nook and cranny of your digestive tract.

No WONDER you're always constipated!

Now get this...

Your body does NOT make its own supply of B. longum. And you can't get nearly enough from yogurt or other expensive probiotic foods or drinks.

You need to replenish your supply using a supplement that's packed with B. longum bacteria that are a perfect, genetic match to the bacteria you were born with.

It's called BB536.

BB536 is genetically bioidentical to the B. longum that kept you regular for decades.

That's why some scientists now call it The Poopmaker.

Now you might think that ALL probiotic formulas contain The Poopmaker. But you'd be wrong.

It's a fact that99% of all probiotics available today contain ZERO BB536.  Or they contain a useless "trace" amount just for show.

That NEVER happens with ComfortPro.

Each daily dose delivers billions of Poopmaker bacteria that are a genetic MATCH to the probiotic bacteria you developed at birth.

Our BB536 was, in fact, cultivated using the same strains that God intended you to have for life.  (More about this later.)

The moment you swallow a capsule of ComfortPro, the BB536 begins crowding out the bad bacteria that triggers SO much digestive misery.

As a result, your entire digestive tract begins to restore, repair and rejuvenate itself exactly the way Nature intended.  That means...

The professional medical Journal of Functional Foods calls our breakthrough BB536 “clinically effective for alleviating gastrointestinal distress…” 5

Interested?  Great!  There's NO need to suffer another second. 

To save time, we have taken the liberty of reserving a risk-free trial supply
for the next 500 people who arrive at this page.

And to make it extra attractive – you pay nothing today except shipping and handling! You don’t pay for ComfortPro until you’ve tried it for 30 days and proved to yourself it works!

And if you decide it doesn’t, just let us know and you never pay another cent.

You need to END your constipation and straining NOW. They’re NOT just frustrating, they can be dangerous...

Warning: Do Not Do THIS

According to a landmark study published in
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine:

Over 10% of sudden heart issues
happen on the toilet6

Everyone has a good idea of what kind of stresses can trigger serious heart trouble.

But almost no one knows that one of the greatest threats is your toilet.

It’s true.  In a 4-year study of older men and women, a remarkable 11 percent of these events happened on the toilet.

Even more disturbing, the victims had far worse long-term outcomes because of the long delay in finding someone who’s in trouble on the toilet.

You need to END your constipation and straining NOW.  They’re not just frustrating, they can put your life in danger. . .

And no one is immune.

Elvis Presley, the King, died while straining on the toilet.  Doctors believe his heart just couldn’t take the strain.

Yet even today most doctors never mention that straining on the toilet is dangerous.

Thankfully, the word is finally getting out.

In a recent Harvard Medical School article, a top MD reported...

“There’s NO question that constipation that requires straining” is a serious risk factor for your heart and brain.7

So how can you tell if you’re at risk?
According to the Harvard experts, “...about one in five adults (has) hard, dry, and small bowel movements that are painful or difficult to pass, and often occur less than three times a week.” 8

That’s life-threatening because...

“Now, new research hints of a possible link between constipation and cardiovascular (issues).” 9

The more regular your bowel movements,
the less risk for your heart and brain

It’s never been more clear: Constipation is not a “little problem.”

In a study of over 45,000 adults aged 40 to 79, researchers found that people with fewer bowel movements had a higher risk of cardiovascular issues – especially those related to the brain i.e. stroke.11

You need to give your digestive system the BB536 that is essential to restore regularity and end your constipation.  You can do that with the help of ComfortPro.

There’s more. In fact, there’s a whole LIST of problems that happen to people who strain to pass stool. . .

Hemorrhoids and piles:  The extra pressure triggers them to pop out and make life miserable.

Anal fissures: These are tiny tears in the skin produced by pressure. They bleed and are alarming. You don’t want to see blood when you wipe.

Extra pressure in your eyes:  Yes, your eyes.  Eye doctors recommend you never strain.

Rectal prolapse: when your anus turns inside out.

Fecal impaction: This happens when pressure forces fecal matter into the colon wall where it remains and rots.

Within the medical community, constipation used to be considered a minor issue.  So doctors would recommend laxatives, fiber drinks or pills, or even drugs.

That’s starting to change.

Thankfully, some doctors are beginning to understand the #1 priority for long-term health and vitality is a healthy bacterial colony in your gut—also known as your microbiome.

And the best way to heal your microbiome is by restoring your lost supply of BB536, The Poopmaker.

Just look at the published, blue-ribbon science...

In one study12 published in the medical journal Microscience Bioflora, the lead researcher observed that...

Finally, they reported, “These results indicate that the administration of BB536 (now in ComfortPro)  improves (the) intestinal environment (microbiome),  defecation frequency and fecal characteristics.”

Even more remarkable, these conclusions were supported by three more human studies.

That’s NOT counting the 10,000 human tests, and 110 additional studies confirming the wisdom of restoring the lost BB536 to your digestive tract.

Bottom line: ComfortPro is going to help you poop like a kid again guaranteed.

The PROOF is in the POOP.

That’s why ComfortPro is in such demand...and supplies are dwindling fast. No joke:  the manufacturing time for this amazing remedy is as long as 16 weeks because it has to be grown like a crop. You can’t just snap your fingers and buy some BB536.

And at the same time it is soaring in popularity – and flying off our shelves.

But don’t worry.  I have taken the unprecedented step of reserving a risk-free trial supply of ComfortPro in your name.

If you act now, I can guarantee rapid shipment.

You should also know that you never, EVER risk a single penny when you give ComfortPro a try.  You pay nothing today except shipping and handling.  Try it for a full 30 days and if it works for you, then you pay for it. 

I think that’s fair, don’t you?  But I urge you not to wait. . .

There’s a war inside your colon right now.And the quality of your whole life depends on it.  ComfortPro is your secret weapon to stay vibrantly healthy for life...with perfect digestion naturally.

Fact: Your Gut is Like
An Intestinal Alamo.

Your friendly bacteria are
outnumbered 1,000 to ONE...but YOU CAN WIN!

Remember the Alamo...

Today, the famous battle is a symbol of perseverance in the face of virtually impossible odds.  Davy Crockett and his volunteers were outnumbered and outgunned 60 to one.

That’s nothing compared to the battle inside your colon.

According to research published in the journal Digestive and Liver Disease (2005; Vol. 37(11): p. 838-849),the friendly bacteria inside your constipated colon are outnumbered one thousand to one. 13

And you’re losing.

Even two days of constipation is enough to trigger a “mass proliferation” of toxic bacteria in your colon.  And they often remain there for decades.

Ordinary probiotics are less effective because none of them contain BB536.

BB536 is the master probiotic strain for healthy digestion.

It’s the powerful, probiotic cavalry your body uses to keep your poops soft and regular.

When you take a single capsule of ComfortPro you’re sending billions of soldiers to defeat and destroy the bad bacteria.

The result is a balanced, healthy microbiome, and pooping is a pleasure again. But that’s not all.

ComfortPro also contains six more friendly strains designed to cover the entire length of your digestive system—from your stomach all the way to the end. (More about these super strains later.)

The result is a professional-level probiotic that delivers real results   The proof is in your poop.

The science is in.  According to a study published in the medical journal Nutrients, the exclusive mix of probiotics in ComfortPro “ameliorate flatulence and bloating...” 14

20,000 seniors reported:
Less constipation with softer, more regular stools

In a recent survey of 20,000 seniors who were desperate for digestive relief, our BB536 delivered astounding results.15

These folks not only experienced greater regularity with softer stools and less straining, they also reported benefits we didn’t expect from a probiotic…

Plus, we were stunned when they also reported improved memory and LESS back pain.

Now, a survey like this doesn’t qualify as a scientific study, but it sure suggests that the benefits of BB536 may go far beyond what scientists ever imagined.

Itchy eyes, runny nose? ComfortPro may help. . .

Is it that time again?  Does pollen have your symptoms flaring up?  You can now fight back without allergy pills... or staying locked up in your home.

In a study published in EBioMedicine, test subjects who took the BB536 in ComfortPro reported significant relief from itchy eyes and stuffy, runny noses at the height of pollen season.

You can see for yourself in the November 2015 issue of the medical journal EBioMedicine.16

Smelly Gas? Well, this is really embarrassing.

According to three separate human trials...

Smelly gas, bloating, straining, and indigestion will all vanish if you take 10 seconds to do THIS...

Just take one capsule of ComfortPro in the morning and you’re done for the day.
With zero digestive worries. And no smelly gas.  (Your family will be SO happy.)

Here’s how it works.  When you’re constipated, and your stool stalls inside your colon, it begins to rot.

No surprise there.  Have you ever let some food stay way too long in the refrigerator?  It’s not a pretty sight...and the odor!  Yuck.

It’s the same problem inside your colon.  Rotting feces are a breeding ground for bad bacteria.  And one of the most obvious byproducts is smelly gas. We’ve all been there!
Doctors call this bacterial overgrowth dysbiosis.  And it comes with a host of symptoms you’re familiar with like...

But that’s just the beginning.
According to a landmark study17 published in Nature Scientific Reports, dysbiosis can also...

None of this is good.
But all of this has a single, underlying cause:

Your colon is FROZEN in time, and you have to get everything moving again.

The longer you wait...the harder it is to fix.

And the solution is to flood your colon with BB536, the “mother strain” that Nature intended to keep you regular for life.
We dare you to compare. No other probiotic on the market today comes close to delivering a proven dosage of BB536 plus…

You also get six more medically proven probiotic strains to cover your entire digestive tract—all 30 feet of it!

two bottles of ComfortProThe moment you swallow a capsule of ComfortPro, the magic begins.

All seven strains (including BB536) spread along the length of your digestive tract and begin to literally attack the bad bacteria in two amazing ways...

First, nature has armed the microbes in our probiotics with special antimicrobial weapons to actually drill tiny holes in the bacteria cells.  It’s like popping a balloon!

Second, our blend of probiotics was formulated to create a healthier and higher PH (meaning a lower acid level) in your gut.  The result?  The bad bacteria are destroyed while the good bacteria thrive.

Third: Our good bacteria physically crowd out the bad bacteria.

Fourth: ComfortPro helps boost your body’s natural immune response to bad bacteria.

That’s exactly the way Mother Nature intended for your digestive system to work, with...

“BB536 ingestion increased the prevalence of normally formed stools. . .Our results suggest that BB536 modulated the intestinal environment and. . .improved the health” of elderly patients suffering from constipation.19

World Journal of Gastroenterology

But don’t take our word for it.

You can try ComfortPro yourself for 30 days with zero obligation. You pay nothing today except shipping and handling.

If ComfortPro doesn’t deliver all these results fast, simply contact our customer service team and let us know, and you never pay another penny.

That’s right.  ComfortPro must work wonders, or you never pay a thing.  There’s zero need to suffer or risk your long-term health, anymore.

Due to unprecedented demand: We have already reserved a risk-free trial supply for the next 500 people who land on this page, but we can’t hold it much longer.  It’s smart to act right now.

If you’re constipated often, THIS is what your colon wall looks like to invaders...

Result: Nasty bugs pass right through your colon wall directly into your bloodstream.

ComfortPro helps stop the leaking with a special form of zinc that strengthens your colon walls.

The longer you suffer from constipation, the more wear and tear on your colon walls.

Many doctors and healthcare professionals do not recognize [holes in colon walls] as a diagnosable condition. However, current scientific evidence suggests [the holes] may contribute to a range of medical conditions." 20

Medical News Today

Look at it this way.

Suppose you rubbed your favorite bed sheets with rocks every day for years.

What would happen?  The sheets would wear down, and holes would appear...and they’d get bigger and BIGGER.

It’s the same with your colon walls. 

Those rock-hard stools are rough on the colon membrane and over time, tiny holes appear.

Your colon is now leaky and toxins and other invaders just waltz right through—straight into your bloodstream.

And that’s very bad.  

Especially today with all the emerging viruses and bacteria coming our way.

Most people don’t know this but a whopping 70% of your immune system is in your digestive tract.

It is literally your first line of defense.

And if it’s not healthy...YOU ARE NOT HEALTHY.

Is there anything you can do about it?

You bet there is.  And it’s in every dose of ComfortPro.  

It’s a very special form of zinc called bisglycinate chelate.  

Research has demonstrated that zinc is an essential building block for healthy colon walls—that don’t leak.

And our special form is easier to absorb and works 43% faster than ordinary zinc.

But there’s more...

Even a tiny zinc deficiency can trigger a rapid decline in essential digestive enzymes and wreck your digestion.

And nearly half of all adults over the age of 60 are deficient in zinc.21

Without enough zinc, you have more inflammation, too.

That’s why including this special form of zinc was a no-brainer for ComfortPro.

See for yourself what a profound, positive difference it can make in your life.

Ever Heard of a Fecal Transplant?
It restores balance to your microbiome, has a 90% cure rate for digestive issues ...and a $1,500 price tag

ComfortPro works on the same principle, but without somebody else’s poop and without the transplant.

And it costs only pennies.

Have you ever heard of a fecal transplant? They’ve been in the news lately.

It’s a simple procedure where the carefully screened stool from a healthy individual is actually implanted in the colon of an ill patient.

It’s sounds horrible of course.  But for people in real digestive distress, it can be a lifesaver.

Experts report fecal transplants have an astonishing cure rate of over 90% for serious problems such as C. difficile.22

C.difficile is a nasty bacterium that triggers a host of serious digestive symptoms from diarrhea to dangerous inflammation of your entire colon.  Doctors once thought C.difficile was incurable...but now, thanks to fecal transplant technology, there’s hope.

Plus new research into this procedure is exploring its use to cure dozens of other digestive issues.

So, how does a fecal transplant really work?  The basic principle is to implant healthy probiotic bacteria into a patient to help reestablish a healthy microbiome in your gut.

And guess what: One of the most important of these probiotic strains is bifidobacterium longum.

Just like the BB536 in ComfortPro.

Now let’s be clear: We’re not saying that BB536 is a substitute for a real fecal transplant, or equally effective. You’d have to conduct a side-by-side study of both therapies to prove that.

But the principle is exactly the same:  To reestablish a healthy microbiome using strains of bacteria that are natural to your body.

And BB536 is biologically identical to the strain that kept you regular as a child.  In essence, you are transplanting healthy BB536 back into your gut where it belongs.

The result?

Comfort Pro Nutrition Facts

Nothing could be more natural or effective than taking a single capsule of ComfortPro each morning.

And it doesn’t cost $1,500.  Or $1,000. Or even $100.  For only pennies a day, you are giving your body what it desperately needs to deliver perfect carefree digestion. 

And you’ll be doing it safely – which is a welcome contrast to those constipation remedies sold in drug stores. . .

Can fiber make my constipation even WORSE?

“Laxative (use) can lead to serious dysfunction... such as intestinal paralysis, irritable bowel...
(and more)” 23

If you’re like most of the 63 million Americans who suffer from chronic constipation, you’ll do anything to avoid that feeling again.

So you grab the first laxative you can find.  There are a bunch of different types: stool softeners, bulk formers, lubricants, stimulants, and high-tech hyperosmotics.
Hyperosmotics actually help draw water from outside the colon wall...and back into the poop.  In essence, this is a complete reversal of your body’s natural process.

That’s a bad idea.

According to a recent report from the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research24...

Why not fix the root cause for your digestive problems safely and naturally—without side effects? It’s so easy!

Two bottles of ComfortPro

Just request your risk-free trial of ComfortPro right now.  You pay NOTHING today except shipping and handling.  And it’s guaranteed to work for you, or you don’t pay another dime.

Click here to try ComfortPro Probiotic Formula
without risking a penny!

21 of The World’s Top Scientists, Doctors, and Researchers from 13 Countries AGREE

The BB536 in ComfortPro is highly effective for constipation, straining, hard stools, bloating and gas...

The prestigious European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is like America’s FDA. When they call on the world’s top experts for an opinion, they demand a science-based evaluation the public can trust.

They recently asked 21 experts from 13 countries if BB536 relieves constipation.25

What did these experts say?

The decision was UNANIMOUS. ComfortPro delivers the world’s most PROVEN solution for your worst constipation.  Plus over 100 additional human trials confirm this is the world’s #1 solution for care-free pooping every day.

Just LOOK at the review panel...

You can look it up! It was published in the EFSA Journal 2011;9(4):2041.26

How ComfortPro could help make
you look and feel YOUNGER...

From a dermatology professor at Mt. Sinai Medical Center:

The right probiotics “help to hydrate aging skin, reduce sun damage and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles..."

The connection between gut health and skin should be no real surprise.  Both your gut and your skin are highly impacted by cellular inflammation.

If you’re constantly fighting digestive issues like pain, bloating, and constipation, there’s a good chance that underlying inflammation is one of the triggers.

And if there’s inflammation anywhere in your body, your skin is going to show it.  So doesn’t it make good sense that healing your gut (your microbiome) would also help your skin?

Of course it does.
That’s why we included such a powerful dose of BB536 in ComfortPro probiotic formula. The research is astonishing...

A healthy gut may be your best defense against common skin problems. And BB536 can help keep your skin clear and unblemished.

“The gut and the skin are intimately connected through something called the gut-brain-skin axis. Restoring a healthy gut microbiome through. . .probiotics is key to healing the skin.” 29

— Leading New York City dermatologist writing in Yahoo! Life

And much more.  We are rapidly learning that one of the best ways to look young on the outside is to pay attention to your microbiome inside.

Act now to start your 30-day no-risk trial – we’ve set aside a supply of ComfortPro just for you, but we can’t hold it forever!

And there’s a risk if you fail to take action. . .

You could have serious HIDDEN CONSTIPATION – even if you have regular, daily bowel movements.

Rotting, hard feces, can get STUCK inside the “villi” that line your intestinal wall. Yuck...

So you could actually be regular but still experience many constipation symptoms such as gas, bloating, pain and cramping. 

ComfortPro helps your body restore healthy digestion and includes zinc for a healthy colon wall.

And I haven’t even told you the whole story yet. You get much more in every capsule of ComfortPro. Keep reading. . .

The “Super-7” most proven probiotics are in ONE capsule. No Other Formula Does This. Not one.

You get 27 BILLION friendly bacteria
in one tiny capsule.
NO refrigeration is required.

stability shieldDid you know that 99% of the so-called “live” bacteria in most probiotic supplements are DEAD?

In a recent review of top-selling probiotics, ConsumerLab discovered that one-third of all probiotic products contain less than 1% of the number of “live” bacteria claimed on the label.30

That rarely happens with ComfortPro.
ComfortPro’s 27 billion “good guys” arrive alive thanks to our Stability Shield bottle.
It’s insulated with moisture-absorbing material that protects our probiotics from moisture and heat.  It’s SO effective, ComfortPro does not require refrigeration.
That’s important because ComfortPro is the world’s first and only probiotic formula that delivers BB536 plus six more of the world’s most proven strains.  We call them the Super 7.
Just look what they can do for you...

In combination, ComfortPro is a professional-level probiotic, backed by years of research. THE SCIENCE is undeniable.  But we know you need to see for yourself.

That’s why we’ve arranged for you to try for it 30 days at no risk to you.

Our Promise to You...
The PROOF is in Your POOP!

We guarantee ComfortPro will do ALL this for you, or you pay NOTHING. Not one penny:

Are you ready to get started on having perfect digestion for the rest of your life? Great! Here’s our offer. . .

We’ll send you two bottles of ComfortPro – a full two-month supply – and you pay nothing today except $9.95 for shipping & handling.

If you’re not delighted with ComfortPro for any reason, just let us know within 30 days and you won’t be charged another cent. We just ask that you return the unused portion.

If we don’t hear from you after 30 days, we’ll charge your card for your two bottles.

But you have even more protection.  Even after your 30-day trial period is up, your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed.  You can return ALL unopened bottles at any time for a full refund on them – no questions asked.

You risk nothing by giving ComfortPro a chance to work for you!

And please know this: ComfortPro is NOT available in any stores.

It’s available only direct from our laboratories—so the supply is limited. Claim your risk-free trial now.

Two bottles of ComfortPro

Click here to try ComfortPro Probiotic Formula
without risking a penny!

Click now to start your No-Risk Free Trial and you’ll also receive three free gifts. . .

We Wrote THE BOOK on Healthy Pooping
and Now It’s YOURS FREE

It’s a $19.95 value and it’s our gift to you
if you accept this offer NOW.

Free Guide #1:

How to Make Pooping a Pleasure Again.

You’d think after a lifetime of pooping, most people would know how.  But you’re wrong.  This shocking guide demonstrates how simple changes in your technique, nutrition, and positioning can profoundly improve your pooping pleasure.  You’ll discover...

You receive TWO MORE Free Gifts!

Free Guide #2:

7 Clever Ways to Combat Constipation

Your FREE bonus guide demonstrates proven home remedies that work better and faster than conventional cures.  Imagine beating constipation with joint supplements and marshmallows! It really works.

Plus much more.

Free Guide #3:

How to Repair a Damaged
Digestive Tract. 

If you’re in real digestive distress, you need to see these solutions.  They can help reverse the effects of a lifetime of bad habits and poor digestionYou’ll discover how to boost natural lubrication in your colon, how to trigger a secret “repair molecule” in your gut now, and so much more.

All three of these FREE Gifts—a total value of $49.85—are yours to keep forever when you take advantage of this “no strings attached” offer. You have nothing to lose but your miserable constipation problems.

While you enjoy all of the unique tips in these valuable Special Reports, you have a full 30 days to try ComfortPro Probiotic Formula before you pay for it.  And if you’re not happy—you never have to pay for it. That’s right!

You Don’t POOP, You Don’t PAY!


Click here to try ComfortPro Probiotic Formula
without risking a penny!

Here at Green Valley Natural Solutions, we still cling to the old-fashioned notion that you should never pay for something if it doesn’t work wonders for you. That’s why this guarantee is in large type with nothing to hide.

If you don’t agree it’s everything we say, you pay nothing. When we say RISK-FREE, we mean it.

But count on this: once you see how great it feels to get “regular” again—with soft, easy, smooth bowel movements—you’re not going to want to stop taking ComfortPro.

That’s why we have the confidence to make this guarantee. 

No questions asked.  Act now while our supply lasts.

Don’t suffer from being “backed up” with constipation one more day. Get the very best relief on earth – with ComfortPro.


Yours truly,

Lee Euler, President
Green Valley Natural Solutions

P.S. Remember, you’ll get three FREE Gifts when you request your two bottles of ComfortPro for just $9.95 shipping & handling. You’ll have 30 days to decide if it’s working for you. Studies show dramatic results in as little as 14 days.  Before you know it, you can be “regular” again. So, what are you waiting for?

Click here to try ComfortPro Probiotic Formula
without risking a penny!


1 - EFSA Journal 2011; 9 (4): 2041

2 - Ogata T, et al. Effect of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 Administration on the Intestinal Environment, Defecation Frequency and Fecal Characteristics of Human Volunteers, Bioscience Microflora Vol.16 (2), 53-58, 1997

3 - https://www.bustle.com/p/the-3-best-probiotics-for-constipation-17940859

4 - https://msphere.asm.org/content/2/5/e00327-17

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9 - https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-disease-overview/constipation-a-connection-to-heart-disease

10 - The study, in the March 2016 issue of Atherosclerosis, included more than 45,000 adults ages 40 to 79. Researchers divided the participants into three groups based on the frequency of their bowel movements: one or more times per day; once every two to three days, or one or fewer times every four days. After a follow-up that lasted just over 13 years, researchers found an association between infrequent bowel movements and a higher risk of dying of cardiovascular disease, especially death from stroke.

11 - BioScience and Microflora Vol 16(2), 53-58

12 - According to research published in the journal Digestive and Liver Disease (2005; Vol. 37(11): p. 838-849),the friendly bacteria inside your constipated colon are outnumbered one thousand to one.

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16 - Xiao et al. Effect of Probiotic Bifidobacterium Longum BB536 on relieving clinical symptoms and modulating plasma cytokine levels of Japanese cedar pollinosis during the pollen season. A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Investig Allergol Clim Immunol 2006; vol 16(2): 86-93

17- Cao H, et al. Dysbiosis contributes to chronic constipation development via regulation of serotonin transporter in the intestine. Nature Scientific Reports. 7, Article number: 10322 (2017)

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23 - https://badgut.org/information-centre/a-z-digestive-topics/treating-constipation-with-laxatives/

24 - https://badgut.org/information-centre/a-z-digestive-topics/treating-constipation-with-laxatives/

25 - EFSA Journal 2011; 9 (4): 2041

26 - EFSA Journal 2011; 9 (4): 2041

27 - Yonezawa, S, et al.  Effect of milk supplemented with bifidobacteria on skin condition in healthy adult women. Food Science and Technology Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd., 2014

28 - https://www.wageningenacademic.com/doi/10.3920/BM2014.0134

29 - https://thethirty.whowhatwear.com/benefits-of-probiotics

30 - This is an estimate based on research on all ingredients