Many graphene companies see their share price plummet, is it a buying opportunity?

The past couple of years were very good for public graphene companies, many of which saw their share prices spike. This was partly due to a general positive market trend and also due to maturity in the graphene industry and actual commercialization of graphene-enhanced materials and devices.

Share performance of public graphenec ompanies (2022 01-04)

Since the beginning of 2022, however, the share price of most of the companies we track dropped - in some cases by over 30%. The chart above shows some of the most prominent companies.

The market has been highly volatile in the past few months - and such price changes have been seen in other sectors as well, so we do not believe this should be seen as a sign of the market losing faith in graphene and the potential behind these stocks. But it could mean that some of these companies reached valuation that were indeed too high.

Is now a good time to buy graphene stocks? We do not know of course, only time will tell - but if you are interested in investing in the graphene industry, check out our graphene investment guide which includes detailed information on over a dozen public graphene companies and our own investment thesis.

We do not recommend any stocks, but we believe this guide can be a great tool to learn about potential graphene stocks and to pick the right companies to invest in.

The Graphene Investment Guide:

  • An analysis of graphene's potential
  • Detailed descriptions and financials of all graphene companies
  • The latest financial reports and company presentations
  • Graphene-Info's own investment thesis and action plan

The report includes extensive data and information needed to launch a successful strategic graphene investment portfolio. Click here for more info.

Posted: Apr 23,2022 by Ron Mertens