Adobe Experience Cloud’s Post

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Your data strategy is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to weaning your company off third-party cookies. Join us to discuss the three critical practices brands must master for cookieless readiness: first-party data strategies, data collaboration and governance. 

Cookieless Data Strategies: Three Practices to Move from Theory to Action

For additional reading: Learn more about how data drives value on the balance sheet for customer experience brands:

Eric Rosenberg

Head of Digital Marketing Analytics at FNBO | Personalization, Front-End Development


Kendall Jacobs SDR is a blueprint to help with the standardization of data. Cloud or static, whatever works for your projects workflow or the company allows How are errors identified?  I suppose errors would have to do with your implementation, mapping or processing rules or data layer? The data layer can be leveraged to see the information getting pushed into analytics. Leveraging the Adobe Analytics workspace or Analysis workspace could also assist in seeing if you are getting the data you want. I may be misunderstanding the question. BI/Analytics Platforms? There are several plugins available to export data to whichever platform, there are also the ability to use FTPs and data sources.


For additional reading: Despite GDPR, here's why extensive testing is worth every minute of effort and up to 70% analytics opt-in rates

Krishna Kumar Selvaraj Hi! The first event is available here:

For additional reading: Take these 6 steps to help your brand avoid consent fatigue:

For additional reading: Here are 5 reasons to shift to cookieless ahead of the competition

Piyush Thakur

Customer Data Platform Architect


could you elaborate on migration approach from Audience platforms to CDP

Maximilian Lacher

RELAX. WE CARE. (Customer Support by BMW)


Good evening from Munich

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