New Home Building #HACKS
Tim Carter wants you to share the special things you wish you could have in your new home.
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What's your name? *
What's your email address? Check it for accuracy ! *
What city or town do you live in? *
What state/province do you live in? *
What country do you live in? *
Enter your first wish list item here. It can be some cool feature you ALREADY have in your home that you want all to know about. Just type one or two phrases or sentences. *
Enter your second wish list item here if you have one.
Enter a third wish list item here if you have one.
LEGAL JUJUMAGUMBO: By clicking one of the radio buttons below AND then submitting this entry, you agree to allow me to include your idea in my new New Home Building #HACKS book. If I have already thought of the idea, I may not mention you.  Should I use your idea, your name, city, and state will also be included in the book UNLESS YOU CLICK THE SECOND OPTION BELOW. You further agree that you receiving a FREE PDF COPY of the book is payment in full FOREVER for sharing your idea and allowing me to include it in the book. You agree that you have no rights to future payments or royalties from the sale of the book. If you don't agree to any of the above, just leave this page and we'll part friends. *
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