Element: Diet



Transform your diet into a powerful weapon against your cancer

A diagnosis of cancer is disorienting, but we at least have control over what we put into our body. When it comes to diet, there are foods that will boost our ability to fight disease, and there are foods that will actively fuel the disease. A focus on diet and nutrition is one of the first things you can do to reclaim some control as you're progressing on your journey. There's no need to be militant, and this is not an exercise in deprivation, but eating in a way that supports your health takes work and willpower. Our goal is for you to better understand the tradeoffs involved with every dietary choice you make, and choose what makes the most sense for you.

The xy wellness diet

Rediscover the joy of preparing and eating real food

Our goal with the XY Wellness Diet, along with our Nutraceutical Support regimens, is to transform what you consume into a powerful weapon against cancer, and in the process introduce you to the joy of preparing and eating real food. In order for it to work, it needs to be sustainable, so we've split it into seven easy to follow Diet Principles.

  • Cancer-fighting: Foods abundant in phytonutrients that actively inhibit cancer growth
  • Anti-inflammatory: Minimizing gluten, dairy, and other inflammatory triggers
  • Immune system-boosting: Rich in antioxidants and immune system enhancers
  • Low-glycemic: Free of granulated sugar, low in refined flour
  • Pesticide-free: Organic when necessary, “conventional” when appropriate
  • Delicious: Fresh, local, top quality, vibrant, enzyme-rich, clean
  • Doable: Eating this way may involve a bit of learning, but is nothing you cannot easily master

download the diet

The XY Wellness Diet breaks down the recommendations we make for men following our integrative program in greater detail, allowing you to get a comprehensive view or dive into areas of most interest and need.
