GlobalSCAPE: Promoting Research from Your Institution Workshop: Application Form
This is the application form for applicants wishing to attend one of the upcoming interactive face-to-face GlobalSCAPE workshops delivered by Springer Nature for Science Communicators.

 The workshop will cover:
- Sourcing your stories,
- Understanding your audience,
- Effective writing strategies
- Preparing your press release
- Maximizing external promotion.

This workshop will be held from 8:45 to 5:30pm on Friday November 11, 2022.

The venue for this workshop is   Nihonbashi life science hub, Tokyo, Japan  This workshop will be hosted together with  the Research University Consortium.

For the full agenda and more information, please see our website:
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Email *
What is your first name? *
What is your second name? *
This means your family name or surname.
What is the name of your institution? *
Have you already attended one of the virtual GlobalSCAPE workshops? *
If you have then due to the overlap in content attending the F2F workshop is not recommended.
Are you a GlobalSCAPE diary study participant? *
How will you be travelling to this workshop? *
What country will you be travelling from? *
Will you need a visa to travel to this workshop? *
 If yes, please make sure the time needed to obtain a Visa will not prevent you from attending the workshop.
Do you have any dietary requirements? If so please specify *
   What is your job title *
How would you benefit from participating in this workshop? *
(1000 characters maximum)
Do you have any mobility or accessibility needs organisers should be aware of? *
Do you want to apply for the mobility scheme? *
GlobalSCAPE developed a Mobility Scheme to support science communicators who could benefit from these workshops but would be financially unable to join. Grants up to 750€ will be offered to selected participants. Learn more about the eligibility criteria and selection process on the GlobalSCAPE website
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