Keep writing

About Me

Hello, and welcome! My name is Erica Goss. I write poetry, essays, reviews and articles. I teach writing classes focused on the relationship between art and poetry, also known as ekphrasis. I’m working on a memoir about how mental illness has affected my family.

My goal as a teacher is to foster creative communities. My classes are not just about writing and publishing, but about supporting and encouraging fellow writers. One of our most important responsibilities as artists is to connect with others, help them grow and improve, and develop lasting relationships with each other. This is my teaching philosophy, in a nutshell.

My students have published their poetry and reviews in many literary journals. Just as importantly, they stay in touch with each other, help each other, listen, and offer constructive feedback. In my classes, we learn together.

Listen to “Brushstrokes and Wordplay,” Sandy Brown Jensen’s feature on my ekphrastic workshop, “Night at the Museum” (“Viz City,” KLCC, 2/23/24).

Image and Word

April 3, 10, 17, & 24, 2024, 5:30-7:00 p.m.

Wordcrafters Studio, Eugene, OR.

Are you ready to discover what ekphrasis can do for your writing practice? 

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Writing Classes

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My books are Night Court, winner of the 2016 Lyrebird Award from Glass Lyre Press, STONE empty chair-a haiku collection, Wild Place, poems, and Vibrant Words: Ideas and Inspirations for Poets.

In honor of its tenth anniversary, Vibrant Words: Ideas and Inspirations for Poets is on sale for 25% off!


A selection of published work, available on line.