San Francisco: Children 5-11 Will Be Required to Show Vaccine Passports/ Proof of Vaccination

San Francisco: In about eight weeks, children ages 5-11 will soon be subjected to the vaccine passport system and will be required to show proof of full vaccination in order to enter places such as restaurants, entertainment venues, swimming lessons, and more. The development was revealed the same day that millions of elementary-aged children around the country became eligible to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The city of San Francisco is going to ban children aged 5 to 11 from entering indoor businesses if they don’t take Pfizer’s experimental mRNA covid injection that was just rubber-stamped by the corrupt CDC for “emergency use.”

As FDA panelist Dr. Eric Rubin said last week before signing off on giving the shot to kids, “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”

From Fox News, “San Francisco will require children ages 5-11 show proof of vaccine to access businesses”:

Children of San Francisco: Prepare to keep your vaccination cards close by.

The California city has announced that kids ages 5 to 11 will soon need to show proof they have received the coronavirus vaccine in order to gain access to indoor businesses and activities such as restaurants and gyms.

“We definitely want to wait and make sure that children have an opportunity to get vaccinated,” San Francisco Health Officer Dr. Susan Phillip said Tuesday during a virtual town hall on the city’s YouTube channel. “That will happen no sooner than about eight weeks after the vaccine is available to kids. So there will be a limited time in which there will not be those requirements, but then at some point, 5- to 11-year-olds will also have to show proof of vaccination to access some of those same settings.”

The development was revealed the same day that millions of elementary-aged children around the country became eligible to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Read full article here…

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Ragnar D.
Ragnar D.
2 years ago

At this point we must stop referring to it as “liberal” San Francisco since liberal suggests a freewheeling anything-goes philosophy. San Francisco is the most extreme control-freak, micromanaged, backward, satanically inverted, modern Sodom and Gomorrah the world has ever known. Stay away from this garbage dump of a community, and do whatever it takes to keep these COVID-shot pushing vampires away from your children.

2 years ago

Parents who allow their 5 to 11 year old Children should be charged Crimes against Humanity. Pfizer is not going to allow another generation all these Children will never have Children of their own if they even survive that long.

Who would want to even bring Children in this World now we are heading towards head first into Covid Armageddon and 5G the Internet Of Things also includes the human brain from the Experimental Gene Therapy jabs its the real reason why Pfizer has 8 jabs in total #ThinkAboutIt