Hawaii: Elementary School Blocks Parents from On-Campus Vaccine Clinic for Ages 5 and Up

Kalihi Kai Elementary School is planning two clinics on school grounds and during the school day, to give young children age 5 and older two doses of Pfizer Covid-19 injections on November 10 and December 1. In a letter from the school, parents were advised that “Parents WILL NOT be allowed on campus during the clinic.” Some schools have ignored parental rights and there is concern that children will be pressured to take the Covid vaccine.


A school in Hawaii announced an upcoming vaccine drive for elementary school students, but told parents they’re not welcome.

The bizarre request appeared in a letter to parents from the Kalihi Kai elementary school in Honolulu.


In the letter, the school says they’re scheduling two different vaccine clinics, as the FDA was poised to approve the experimental jab for youngsters.

“In preparation for FDA approval for COVID-19 vaccinations for children ages 5-11, KKS is planning to hold a student only COVID-19 vaccination clinic,” the letter reads.

“Tentatively, the vaccination clinic will be on November 10 and December 1, as the Pfizer vaccine requires two doses. The clinic will take place on campus during the school day,” the letter states, before adding, “Parents WILL NOT be allowed on campus during the clinic.”

Instead, the school says “staff will be on-hand to comfort and monitor your child.”

Read full article here…

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Ragnar D.
Ragnar D.
2 years ago

There was some U.N. document I saw earlier today which asserted some nonsense that sending your children to one of their government day-prison public schools will be deemed to be “implied consent” for your child to receive a poison COVID shot at school. Get your children out of these awful places. State-run education has already dumbed down countless American children; now they’re trying to KILL them! Indeed the killing has already begun with the myocarditis and other horrific side effects. It’s about to go into overdrive.

2 years ago

Home school your children! At the very least… DO NOT allow them to go to school when they have their vaccine clinic days. DEMAND your right to go to your child’s school whenever you want to. DO NOT allow schools to block “you” parents from entering the school on any day for any reason and under any circumstances. You have rights! Use them before they vanish. It is your tax dollars that is paying for these tyrants salaries and for the buildings and their up-keep. They are not your boss! You are their boss! Wake up and take care of… Read more »

2 years ago

I don’t care where a person lives. You inject any kind of drug into my child without my permission there won’t be a place on earth that you will be safe from the fury of this parent….