Want To Change Your Life And How You Desire To Live It?

Seven steps to help you change your life

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
8 min readJan 4, 2022


Ready To Change Your Life For? — Melinda Gimpel, Unsplash

Have you noticed how you are ready to change your life and how you desire to live it?

What you no longer want in your life, or are prepared to accept?

Is it just because you have been processing your own issues?

No, the Light of consciousness is accelerating your evolution. Are you ready to allow more fun, magic and joy in your life?

Change Your Life, Create Space For You

Then welcome 2022 and the different opportunities it brings you.

A mark of its unusual nature is Venus will conjunct twice with Mars this year as opposed to its normal once. Also, Mercury will go retrograde four rather than the usual three occasions. They will have a very beneficial impact on your professional life as well as your finances!

Added to which is the special period of 86 days from 3rd February to 29th April when all planets are direct. This is the optimal moment to sign contracts, launch businesses, begin official relationships, and make important decisions that you want to last forever.

January itself is a month to continue to reflect and clear out what no longer serves you in this new era. It is not the month to launch new projects, rather using it to establish clarity as to your direction. Creating space for what really resonates with you — your calling.

Which most probably will not be the one you had thought it was! Afterall it was only on 10th December the landing pad of humanity´s direction became clear, impacting your own direction.

In turn influencing your relationships — activities we enjoy doing in the outside world. Old habits or past times we used to enjoy suddenly becoming less so. Some relationships will deepen, others will not.

Support what is working for you rather than starting anew. Use January to allow clearing energy move through your life. This is part of the process of co-creation that is underway. Suggesting January will bring a few epiphanies or moments of clarity as to what you no longer want in your life.

That certainly is the experience of clients over the past few days — deep soul-level healing.

Message From Source

More detail is in this latest Message from Source:

“Reflect back on what you have created as well as achieved in the past year. There will be fruits from all that has been transformed as well as more evolution for you to explore. For the moment steady your ship and prepare for rather than go seeking new horizons. All that is passing is to help each of you release and so create what you truly desire. Each of you has a different sense of what that is as well as allowing new visions and versions to appear.

The challenge for the coming days is to not charge into precipitate action. Sense the mists as to what is emerging rather than chasing what it might be. Very soon the shape and form will become clear.

The rising energy will continue to encourage more to take action as to their new direction. Almost always this will be an unconscious knowing as to the direction. The essential first step is to accept all that occurred in your life to date. Until this is complete there will be a lack of closure and space in which the old may give way to the new. Until there is space for the new to land, any explanation of how the new may evolve and create will not be productive or beneficial.

Once the moment arrives, then you will be able to begin visiting the new dream and take steps to bring it into position. The new which will emerge requires tenderness and awareness to become embedded in your life. Hence the need to first create the space for it to land.

Follow Your Dream, Choose Your Own Direction

Once it does allow yourself to dream, doing so without constraint or restriction. The only limits will be your expectation of what will emerge and your own direction. In truth this has always been open. Only many of you have accepted the story each has its own purpose. Yes you do, though not in a restrictive sense. All is possible, so allow your own guidance to persevere.

Connect with it and enjoy the warmth that it will bring. Your current mission is to create your dreams, only then will it be possible to pursue what you truly feel called to do. Each of you is sovereign and so has the choice to make as to your own direction and so experience to gain.

This is both the fun and the challenge of the era.

Be present, be aware and prepare to lift off.”

More on the brighter light of 2022 is in:

The first Mercury retrograde of 2022 begins on 14th January, going direct on 3rd February. This retrograde beginning in Aquarius, before switching into Capricorn from 25th January.

As always, Mercury retrograde will impact all forms of communication and technology. It is not a period to sign contracts or make major purchases.

With Venus also retrograde until 29th January, even more challenges in communication regarding romance and finances will surface.

February, March, April, and May will be especially blessed by an expansive and buoyant energy. This will be supported by Jupiter remaining in Pisces until 10th May. Returning for the final fling of its 12-year cycle between 28th October and 20th December 2022.

Jupiter expands our experiences, knowledge, and understanding. It represents optimism, growth, generosity, and abundance. Whilst in Pisces it will expand our awareness of our spirituality and compassion.

Encouraging us to be ourselves, embracing our compassion and imagination.

Willing To Change Your Habits?

Though we will also need extra space to re-energize ourselves.

The influence of water sign Pisces will be evident in more art and media with nautical themes. Though there will also be a greater incidence of floods and storms, especially hurricanes.

Jupiter moving in May from Pisces to Aries is going to bring momentum as you find leadership in yourself, seeking to create something new. Will your focus be on what is collapsing or planting the seeds to grow something you have not experienced before?

The disruptive effect of Uranus on our habits and patterns continues throughout 2022.

It will also be encouraging each of us to stay true to our own values rather than going with the herd. This is what will determine your own frequency during the year, and so the timeline you take — the magical or the hypnotic one?

Being in Nature regularly will help you to make the choice — are you integrated into the system or are you accepting responsibility for your own life?

The new paradigm is to innovate using your unique abilities, gifts and skills. Creating beyond what currently exists.

For as Buddha once said:

“What you think, you become.

What you feel, you attract.

What you imagine, you create.”

The fifth dimensional way to create is to set clear intentions in the present tense. Stepping into its energetic hologram, knowing it has already happened.

New creations often trigger fear instead of excitement, so you cannot feel joy.

What you are actually defending yourself against is your own fear which is intimidating you. You may have projected this onto someone or a situation outside yourself. The solution is to guide yourself towards turning and facing your feelings about it.

Why? Because it is those that are holding you prisoner.

These Eclipses Could Change Your Life

The eclipses in 2022 will help to define the year. Those in the first half indicate prosperity and happiness — particularly near the solar eclipse in Taurus on 30th April and the lunar one in Scorpio on 15th May. These lunations strongly feature Venus and Jupiter and so are aligned especially well in the cosmos. Indicating opportunities for financial fortune.

This contrasts with the solar eclipse in Scorpio on 25th October and the lunar one in Taurus on 8th November. Both indicate tension, friction, and resistance to change, so expect the markets to wobble.

The impact will be to challenge global economic imbalances and shifts in power. Which will influence on a more personal level: how we each spend, save, and invest our resources. The effect of eclipses lasts for six months, the next ones are on 20th April and 6th May 2023.

2022 is going to be the year when some technological advances will be called into question. Certain are going to be viewed as beneficial. Others are going to be questioned as having some issues with them. Not just for the human body, for life as a whole.

As I have written before, self-care is increasingly more important for each of us. The next few years will be a dance between the Light and Shadow within each of us and collectively. Reflecting as we do all of Creation.

A theme for 2022 is to know yourself so deeply all your actions are in complete alignment with your soul⁠ and its desires.

That way you will be able to ride out the sudden changes created by the Great Awakener Uranus. Its fifth-dimensional energy could bring revolution or rebellion, expanded consciousness, personal growth, and creative expression.

Ready To Be The Master Builder Of Your Life?

All of which could lead you to choose to change your life? However, as Robin Sharma says:

“Every change is painful at the beginning, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”

The numerology of the 22 of 2022 is that of the Master Builder. Energy that is visionary, inventive, creative, intuitive, focussed and filled with quantum potential. Meaning we have the capacity to feel outside of the box, and create something entirely different should we so choose.

Here are seven steps to help you do so:

  1. Define the life you desire to lead — choose yours. Where do you see yourself sitting? How do you feel there? What do you do in your free time?
  2. Set out what makes it different from your existing life — when there is no fun and joy you need to change your thoughts, priorities and habits.
  3. Map out those areas needing to change — define those areas in your life stopping you from being where you desire to be.
  4. Describe what could improve these areas — detail the areas that need your attention, then what to change about them.
  5. Write the steps to take you there — be as specific as possible when you write down each obstacle.
  6. Continually review — be ready to modify your plans, change the steps, add new ones, be flexible.
  7. Be determined — there will be lessons to be learnt as steps need to be modified. Maintain your momentum.

Remember to celebrate your progress. The only limit is your imagination, and willingness to connect to all that is.

That will assist you to evolve your consciousness, freeing you to share your unique gifts.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Change Your Life


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.