Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readJul 3, 2022



Ready To Enjoy Being The Leader Of Your Own Life?

Do you know who is the real you?

Be The Leader Of Your Own LIfe — Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

Consciousness is shifting. Humanity is waking up to the re-structuring underway. Calling on you to be the leader of your own life.

The death-throes of the old are visible, happening on o ur doorstep…

Whilst technology is connecting and dividing us in ways never experienced before.

Patience Is Needed To Be The Leader Of Your Own Life

Society´s mantra faster is better continues to influence our lives. With the result we struggle with patience.

The belief continues that working harder will make life and what we desire happen more quickly.

Whereas the truth is, no amount of pushing against Divine time is going to accelerate the result we desire. Rather, it is usually quite the opposite. When we push too hard, trying to control the expected outcome and timing, we run the risk of burnout.

For we are confirming we do not trust the process of creation and the opportunity it will provide. Maybe even preferring the adrenaline and cortisol rushes stress gives us? Albeit often at the cost of our own health and sustainability.

Most of us have yet to learn to be calm, rest, create and to patiently wait for the opportune moment. Instead of being the leader of your own life, we prefer to validate and value “busy-ness”.

It is similar with the mantra thinking positive thoughts guarantees there will be just the outcome you desire. Have good, happy thoughts and you will enjoy a good, happy outcome. Continue with your negative thinking and that will be the outcome.

Many portray this as the essential formula for creating success, finding a soul mate, generating more money, the perfect diet, the only way to meditate etc., etc.. Follow the formula and you will succeed.

Many I have coached over the years have followed “the formula” and still not achieved the results they hoped for. Others, have followed the formula, experienced success and then lack of success has loomed up again as their own identity is lost.

Each member of humanity is unique, so how can any formula provide the same result for each of us?

Prophecies Indicate The New Human Will Emerge From This Period Of Turmoil

The evolution of our life is not linear, it ebbs and flows through the challenges and cycles which create growth. There is always birth, death and everything in between.

These cycles involve love, blood, sacrifice, learning, growth, surrender and evolution as we move through the spiral of what we know as life.

Which means as we seek to navigate our way through this transition, there will be twists and turns and unexpected “adventures”. Expect these rather than life working out the way you imagined on your Vision board.

Why? Because they will provide the evolution your soul desires.

Shamans know all of Creation is always finding ways to invite humanity to take extraordinary steps or receive extraordinary gifts. Accordingly, we are always looking at events around us, knowing that synchronicity is the Creator’s way of supporting us, whilst remaining anonymous.

According to the prophecies of the Maya, Hopi, Inka and other native peoples, we are at a pivot point in human evolution. A period of great turmoil and upheaval in which a new species of human will give birth to itself. We are going to take a quantum leap into what we are becoming, moving from Homo sapiens to what others have called Homo luminous.

Then we will become light beings, informed by Creation, rather than always trying to outrun our fate as determined by genetics and our ancestral and personal stories.

The exact form will be set by the actions you take to be the leader of your own life.

The latest Message from Source offers a reminder on the importance of feelings in the process of Creation.

Message From Source

“Now is the moment to reflect on what you have been initiating, not only these past hours and days, all of your life you have been creating what you focus on. This is far more than positive or negative, they are only labels you apply to your thoughts. What is far more relevant is the nature of the feelings you have about the thought. This is the powerhouse of your creation. Your feelings cannot be mis-interpreted, so that is why they are so powerful!

It is those feelings which ripple out and are collected by others as well as creating momentum in the matrix of Creation. Each feeling is distinguished by its unique signature, whereas words have multiple meanings and interpretations. When you seek to create any aspect of your life, focus on how you feel about it. That is how Creation can then respond.

This is how you can bring forth those desires. Thinking has never been enough to do so. It is part, though not all of what is needed. The feelings cannot be mis-interpreted by you or the Creator, for their signature is unique.

As we move through this period of seeking calm, retain your perspective as to your own identity. Do not allow it to be distorted by the demands of society or others. Be yourself and enjoy what unfolds, it is your creation.”

The stationing of Neptune during the recent new moon in Cancer makes this lunar cycle ideal for taking action on whatever dreams and inspired revelations have been emerging for you. July as a whole is an important month to take charge of your life, to launch many new projects, relationships, and plans or build on those already started.

Will Your Self-Worth Allow You To Be The Leader Of Your Life?

It is especially important to take action Now on every aspect you desire to progress because beginning in September, life will begin to slow down as challenges appear from then until the end of 2022.

First Mars begins to slow down on 3rd September. Until 30th October we will start to feel more activated by our ideas, how we communicate, and in achieving what we think we desire. Simultaneously, we will begin to sense opposition to those feelings. The retrograde itself runs from 30th October until 12th January 2023. During this period, we will learn karmic lessons about how we stand up for what we think and believe in, as well as when to step back.

I view this as a precursor to the difficult Solar eclipse in Scorpio on 25th October, followed immediately by the even more challenging Lunar eclipse in Taurus on 8th November. At the collective level they are seeking to address imbalances and shifts in power around the global economy, as well as our personal resources.

My expectation is these will trigger those who have yet to address their lack of self-worth. Causing a loss of connection with their value and so with their ability to fulfil their soul´s mission. The body experiences such emotional reactions as trauma as they are perceived as a threat to its survival.

So, we learn to hide who we are, compromise our true persona and, often, create “protective” identities to keep us feeling safe. Just observe yourself in different situations and determine: “is there a real you?”

Such elaborate “survival” strategies ripple out way beyond your relationship with money. They impact your willingness to take responsibility for self-care and your relationships with loved ones, your career or business and ability to create and live a truly fulfilled life.

Course Correction Necessary To Be The Leader Of Your Own Life?

The full moon in Capricorn on 13th July speaks of power dynamics rising into full view. It also asks you to complete a mid-year review of the progress being made toward fulfilling your mission you set out at the beginning of 2022. Are the details listed still valid? Are you on course or have you drifted off somewhere?

Do you need to correct your course or keep sailing on? The message of pause and review is emphasised again when Jupiter goes retrograde in Aries on 28th July. This retrograde lasts until 23rd November.

In my own practice and working with others, I am increasingly noting pausing is essential for the de-conditioning and integration process. Allowing the body to catch up after the increasing speed of the transformation itself and so re-connect with the magic of our soul.

Pausing though does not sit easily in our collective psyche. The root of this worry is really about our self-worth and the artificial value placed on busy-ness: “Who am I if I am not “doing”? And “what is my value to Creation if I am not busy “doing” something?

A continuing theme for 2022 has been to not be afraid to go deeper into the beliefs limiting your life and the way you are creating it. July’s aim is to move us deeper into what connection, care and self-care mean to each of us?

This will help you be the leader of your own life. Being at one with yourself, knowing who you are, knowing what you need, what you can give, your strengths and when and where to seek support. All of which will help you align with your current mission.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Being The Leader Of Your Own Life


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled.

To assist you to accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.