Are You Ready To Embrace Your New Era?

You are being urged to step forward, to take action, to speak loudly

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readDec 16, 2020


Embrace The New — Charles Lebeque, Unsplash

An incredibly potent new moon solar eclipse on 14th December called us to embrace our visionary courage based on insights communicated to us. These are likely to foster an inner thirst for adventures of the unknown over the coming months.

In addition to more insights about December´s new moon in Sagittarius, this story provides an overview of events to the end of 2020 and further views on 2021.

New moon solar eclipses always usher new beginnings. This one, occurring at the end of an epic year, initiates radical change.

A Message From Source

The latest Message from Source indicates how fundamental a shift it is:

“What is emerging at this moment is not another simple set of planetary movements. This is more than what some have dubbed as the “Great Awakening”. In truth it is none of these. It is a step up from where humanity has been evolving in a limited manner to one which is no longer limited.

This is the essence for all to accept. Unlimited means exactly that, though many may also view this as firefighting. For in many instances states were created around a central set of beliefs which were limiting the essence of what is emerging. The truth is your lives have always been unlimited. Though most did not view it that way.

The limitations were viewed as being present to create safety for yourselves and so your families.

The new era will create sources of living your lives to the full, rather than limited by being restricted and limited.

The trust has been placed in you and those around you because they will be used for many years. The creation of this part is to free you all to view freedom in that way. True, not pseudo freedom. As such this evolution is going to replace many aspects of what has been viewed as life. It was not and never will be.

Freedom will not be experiencing anything and everything because you can. The purpose is to allow the experience to be obtained and then the new added. To assist in finalising this phase and initiating new ideas and concepts to replace what is no more.“

A reminder, you are here at this moment because you consciously decided to embrace the expansion and the evolution it offered. Though action is required to enjoy it!

Tear Up Your Rule Book

At the eclipse, both the Moon and Sun were conjunct Mercury. We are being asked to question the information we are receiving by being curious. Questioning and discussing by being open to all possibilities, no matter how they fit or not our view of the world.

Sagittarius is associated with our laws, beliefs, and everything we hold true.

Your beliefs are being confronted. What you once knew as true perhaps now has at least a question mark on it?

We are being asked/pressed to consider which of our paradigms or beliefs no longer serve us. Have you placed rules and guidelines on yourself? “How you need to act, who you need to support or be with” This moon is asking you to reconsider these self-imposed rules. Then you have space to embrace readily new possibilities and ideas.

The intense Fire energy around this new moon solar eclipse offers much creativity for you to tap into. The energy is urging you to step forward, to take action, to speak loudly and do what you want to be spending your moments on.

It urges you to set intentions for 2021 and boldly pursue them. The strength of this energy is such it may take a few days after the eclipse to obtain a sense of what has been moved around and how it is influencing you.

The new moon and eclipse asked you to honour and acknowledge who you are now and what is next, even if unknown and scary. It wants you to embrace the vulnerability around that, and is here to lend you Sagittarian courage.

You are choosing to walk down a new path. This eclipse is offering you an opportunity to embrace redefining yourself. To release the rules telling you that you cannot explore whatever interests and visions you have for yourself. True freedom.

What Is Being Initiated

Sagittarius expands horizons. The archer is leading us to higher truths. On a quest for eternal truth. So teaching us to trust, to trust the flow of life. This new cycle lasts for six months until the next eclipse on 26th May 2021.

When you stay true to yourself, you will always find your way. Do not be afraid to embrace redefining yourself.

We are about to arrive in an era when we can develop gifts we could previously only dream of. What scientists have labelled ‘junk DNA’ will begin to be activated.

As our energy become finer, vibrational medicine such as essences, homeopathy, sound and colour therapy will have a far more powerful impact on improving our wellbeing.

When we agreed to be on Mother Earth during this phase we brought with us frequencies we can now switch on. Guidance indicates that crystals will then activate all over Mother Earth. Energy fields will be expanded that will influence people’s perceptions and behaviour.

Whilst not an overnight occurrence, the next three years will initiate a major shift.

19th December brings the annual Galactic alignment of the Earth, Sun and Galactic centre. It is in the astrological sign of Sagittarius, along the Galactic plane of our Milky Way Galaxy.

The moment when every thought, feeling, word and action is amplified. Enhancing our capacity to transmute old cellular memories. To shift the expression of our DNA and support the body to naturally heal, expand and evolve.

With the planet of communication, Mercury conjunct the Sun during this year´s Galactic alignment, my sense is of awareness of a grander truth. A call to embody a higher wisdom of divinity, a greater intelligence that is accessible through the heart.

Then The Grand Conjunction Arrives

At 15.19 on 21st December the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place at 0º Aquarius — shining the first light on the Age of Aquarius. Setting the stage for a new era for life here on Mother Earth, for humanity.

Saturn is about structure, form, and reflects the governing bodies of our world. Jupiter on the other hand is an activator that amplifies our visions, dreams and heartfelt desires into the grander weaving of life.

Unlike Saturn, Jupiter does not resonate with a boundary of form… as it favours dreaming outside of the box of Saturn time.

When Saturn and Jupiter conjunct, their conflict creates a ‘leap’ into a new fabric of Earthly life. Leadership, systems and structures (Saturn) are challenged as freedom and independence is sought (Jupiter).

The new era will require leadership that comes from the heart and fosters unity and sustainability.

Jupiter and Saturn conjunct every 20 years, representing both endings and beginnings of ages. Amplified this December by occurring on the Solstice. Giving birth to a new era of planetary genesis.

The previous conjunction was in May 2000, the last one of a 200 year cycle in Earth signs. With this December conjunction in the Air sign Aquarius, we enter the dawn of a new age.

The last Air sign conjunction is in 2199, which begins a cycle of Water signs.

The previous Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in Aquarius was in 1405. This era embraced the Renaissance, transition from the middle ages to modern times, and the philosophical understanding of humanism.

Now at the end of 2020 we find ourselves defining what it means to be human!

Aquarius desires to live through an open heart, to serve, to uplift and connect people together in pursuit of a higher purpose.

Embrace Your Daily Action

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is structure and Uranus is the opposite, preferring disruption and the unexpected.

It will be essential during this period we embrace “At Peace”. In other words, observe what is unfolding rather than following the fears etc. our unconscious mind creates.

Daily Action:

  • Practice maintaining a “beginner’s mind” and being curious about everything that emerges. Express yourself when you feel the JOYFUL urge to speak.
  • Explore the power of your imagination and vision of what the world you want to live in looks and feels like. To begin the process of creation write them down rather than leaving them as only in the mind
  • As you near 2021, allow yourself to shed the old stories, hurts and outdated ways of relating to what was your world.
  • Do “the best of Aquarius” and open yourself to the grander picture of how we interconnect and the multi-dimensionality of your being
  • Allow yourself to hone into the essence and truth of who you are, and what the world is… and connect to those around you from this place!

Remember motivation FOLLOWS action, NOT the other way around.

More about the key themes of 2021 and why NOT to write your business plan for 2021 on be found in my story “Review, Reflect And Feel To Open Your Life To The New”:

Please Share

We are at the transition point of 2020. The era of limitation is coming to an end. Creation wants you to feel passion again. You are being called to create, explore, and expand. This is no longer the moment to doubt, then you will have space for your next step.

Now is the moment to dream and do. The next 18 months of your life will be defined by the risks you take now. Do not be afraid to step out and discover what is possible for you.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

Embrace Your New Era


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

This story was originally published on



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.