Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
8 min readMar 17, 2022



Old Patterns Of Behaviour Running And Ruining Your Life? Ready To Change Them?

Rarely will you hear the whole truth

Patterns Of Behaviour — Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

Are you noticing old patterns of behaviour or events repeating? These past weeks this spiral pattern has re-appeared in my own life as well of those around me and my coaching clients. For some it has been a relationship issue, for others intensified physical pain or dis-comfort or a financial or work situation demanding resolution.

Our attention is being called to what no longer serves us. This applies both individually and collectively. The patterns of behaviour which have been present for thousands of years are reaching a breaking point. For they cannot transform without first rising to the surface so they are visible.

Awaken To The Truth Of What Is Unfolding

In the coming months we will hear many different stories about who is wrong and who is right. Rarely though will you be learning the whole truth.

To me these past few years have increasingly highlighted control and the rise of division. The divide between what serves all of humanity and the power based agendas of others has become more apparent. I mention this because we are in a period of Mother Earth´s evolution which has long been indicated. The transition underway has yet some way to play out.

I am constantly reminded the darkest hour is just before the dawn. This tumultuous passage runs from 2017 to 2024. For us and many others 2017 was marked by extensive fires — transformation was initiated. The events of the last two years have now exploded with new force. It would seem these events are serving humanity as a whole in a way we often do not comprehend.

It is humanity´s response to these conflicts which will initiate a new sense of unity and collaboration. For some it may awaken connection to their intuition. For others it could be connection to the Creator. The overall theme though is awakening to the truth of what is taking place on Mother Earth.

Questioning the energy of war and similar exercises of force. Which in turn will increase the divide between governments and their people. For many this is going to make them question whether they have or are willing to exercise their power to make a change.

Human history again and again has shown us we do have that power. Otherwise why would there be almost continuous attempts to negate it? To me this is back to taking self-responsibility for all aspects of our life.

Your Mission Is To Evolve

The continuing acceleration of the energy across the Cosmos is being felt here on Mother Earth as pushes to resolve long-standing patterns of behaviour and beliefs. For our souls to learn lessons so we can integrate more of our shadow. Which will in turn enable us to absorb more of this light energy and its encoded information.

This is the opportunity we all have before us. To accept our mission to evolve and allow its calling to guide us.

The most consistent distraction I have noticed is to not follow your calling — i.e. believing you are a victim. Of one´s own thoughts, life experiences or the actions of others. Which for many have had links to their ancestral lineage.

So, when faced by a repeating theme or something you continue to procrastinate about, instead consider it a chance to let go. Choose a different path, to evolve, mature and cast off ancestral or personal patterns of behaviour — karma! The volume is being turned up to attract your attention and so know you are not alone!

Another push arrives with the full moon on 18th March. It is the sixth and final consecutive full moon at 27º — both the sun in Pisces and the moon in Virgo are at this degree. In addition to 27, the day itself also adds to nine and March 2022 is a nine Universal month.

As the last of the single digit numbers, nine represents completion. It symbolically represents a culmination of wisdom and experience, containing as it does the energy of both endings and new beginnings. Nine is the number of endings, culmination, release, leadership through wisdom and unconditional love.

Virgo wants us to take action, practical action.

Message From Source

The ruler of Virgo, Mercury, is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces encouraging you to think kind thoughts, to soothe yourself and others who may be suffering, to be a calming influence. The Pisces energy encourages you to create a vision for a New Earth — one that is based on spiritual, higher frequencies and then begin to manifest it here on Mother Earth.

The grander picture of your true divine nature is speaking to you. Asking you to bring order to the aspects of your life that matter while opening up — or holding sacred — necessary space for them to do so.

Anything that reminds you of your past, of an old identity you have outgrown, old attachments, patterns of behaviour — let them go. Only keep that which fills you with love, joy, gratitude and beauty — having fun!

The latest Message from Source provides guidance on the actions to take to progress the transition underway:

“We have yet to pass the crossover point between the old version and allowing the new to arrive and integrate. There is now a flow of energy which is accelerating the moment. What is still required is each of you to focus on what you desire rather than what you do not.

The energy of tomorrow will soon be felt by each of you and then you will observe the events and their nature begin to take shape. Know there is still an extensive period to complete the transition. Though this will enable speedier transmission of your desires as you each learn the importance of feeling into any communication. This is why so many are now clearing away the blocks to their own connection to Source.

Will the conflict between the old and the new continue — Yes!

And Then Make Your Choice

This is not an overnight operation. Firstly, it can only commence once the old has been released. Hence the number of established patterns and behaviours which are surfacing for all of you. The deepest ones have many layers which have been placed over the original wound, the trauma of whatever was the event. Only as these leave is it possible for the new to arrive, and then it requires to be integrated into your being so it becomes an unconscious action. Only then will the new begin to appear in your daily lives.

The follow on step is for each of you to experience the new and cement it into your being, your daily practice and outlook on life. More then has the ability to evolve as you move through the cycle of experience. This is the point at which you then step onto the next path. Free to live the life as you desire, and what you seek to evolve. For this is your purpose. Hence why you have incarnated, to be an essential part of the new creation.”

When aligned with your personal mission, it will carry you forward even in periods of doubt, difficulty and challenge. Should anything you were seeking to build in the days following 6th September 2021 not be reaching culmination, shift direction. Do not hold on to what is not progressing.

Doing so will be helped by the equinox on 20th March — the moment of equal light and shadow, death and re-birth. Marking as it does the start of the astrological year as the sun moves into Aries. The first sign of the zodiac is ruled by Mars and so associated with new beginnings, adventure, action and motivation.

We are then only 40 days away from Pluto going retrograde.

Willing To Make Peace With Your Patterns Of Behaviour?

29th April marks the end of the current fortuitous period in which to sign contracts, launch businesses, begin official relationships, and make important decisions you desire to last forever.

My story on the importance of your definition of success may help in this.

27th March our cosmic messenger, Mercury, moves into Aries until 10th April. This will make our minds especially active and our words sharp as we strive to reach rapidly taken decisions, particularly when they serve us! Our conversations will be full of our passion. Being brief and concise will be essential!

Almost the last planetary push in March comes from the lunar nodes. They shifted into the signs of Taurus (North) and Scorpio (South) in January, remaining there until July 2023. On 28th March the North node with its focus on our destiny and what we are heading towards, joins Neptune.

Asking whether you are willing to let your imagination and creativity open to the deeper sense of what is emerging for you? For your work? For Mother Earth? Will you allow yourself to bring transformation to life through your work, business, the manner of your living? Or, do you choose to retain your existing patterns of behaviour?

This is another reminder to make peace with situations that have unfolded over the last few years. Resistance to doing so can be anger, confusion, paralysis, and grasping for old ways of being. Once you become aware of thoughts and routines that keep you running such old patterns of behaviour, stand back. Distance yourself from them. Connect with Nature.

Only then will you be able to plant the seeds for the life you desire.

April brings the eclipse season, events can have a profound impact on your storyline and so your destiny.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Changing Your Patterns Of Behaviour


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aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.