Creative Energy Is Flowing — Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call?

Between duty and freedom expect more conflict with people regarding rules imposed on you

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readJun 14, 2021


Your Creative Energy Is Not Blinkered — Graham Ruttan, Unsplash

An immense creative energy was ushered in by June’s new moon and solar eclipse in Gemini. Meaning you may have felt restless, malnourished, disappointed, unfulfilled. These are reminders for you to pay attention to wake-up calls for you to take action.

When you allow movement, change, and transformation, you evolve. Staying in the comfort zone results in stagnation and lack of life force.

Each of us is being asked to try new things, move in a new direction, seek those greener pastures. Your evolution depends on it.

Power, Authority And The Soul's Purpose

Hence the need to notice what is no longer serving you. Honour what you have outgrown. Thank it and send it love, for it has brought you to this moment. Then consciously move towards what excites, feeds, nurtures and nourishes you on a soul level.

This was evidenced for me in the intense transformation sessions and vision quest held over the new moon. Each participant had been prompted by a road block or a breakdown to seek a different route for their life.

The messages were to no longer cruise along in a lane marked comfort zone.

To release any attachment to how things have been can bring up fear and resistance. Often appearing as self-sabotage, illness, procrastination and feelings of doubt and guilt. With those around us, maybe going into patterns of dependence, suddenly needing our help much more than usual.

This is usually a reflection of our own neediness to show us the ties that we need to either release or re-negotiate in a healthier, more inter-dependent form. Hence the need to allow the old to die and a new form to be born — the role of creative energy!

Should you have felt or are feeling concerns with regard to power, authority, the masculine, father, and the purpose of the soul, solar eclipses tend to intensify them.

Your willingness to honour your emotions and the shadows emerging at such moments will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenges. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface.

You will survive as well as thrive!

Eclipses occur twice annually and are connected with powerful, often sudden, changes. In addition, they have a 19-year cycle in which they return to aspect the same points in your natal astrology chart.

Another Collision Between The Old And The New

This eclipse in Gemini was a key player on the path of your soul's evolution.

Besides recalling events in 2002 when the same eclipse pattern occurred last, we can also look back just three months. This was when the Sun joined Neptune in Pisces, the spiritual dreamer. Three months on is now the moment to break out, or be broken out of, the dream and thrust into the earthly realm of taking action.

Using the creative energy to craft your personal narrative about what you desire and are seeking to build for your life and in the world.

Allow yourself to re-define who you are. Then the lifestyle that matches your values, so feeding your heart and soul.

My expectation is we are all going to be more active in our communities. More aware of each other and more empathic as we accept and integrate that we are truly all connected. Knowing what happens on one side of the globe has the power to impact the whole world — very quickly.

As a reminder of the creative energy flowing, Saturn squared Uranus on 14th June. The second of three such reminders in 2021, the last is in December. Being slow moving planets, they are influencing every single day of 2021.

Alignments between Saturn and Uranus are a collision between the old and the new — moments when change becomes unavoidable no matter what you try to do. Their impact is on the collective as well as individually, though slowly. Subtle and not very obvious as integration is needed when there is a massive rewiring underway.

Saturn focuses on learning the lessons of consistency, discipline, karma. It is then followed by Uranus, bringing the promise of freedom and enlightenment.

Message From Source

Until there is a balance between duty and freedom, expect more conflict with people regarding rules imposed on you. These could be from an authority figure, the government or another such body.

The latest Message from Source summarised what is unfolding as:

“You are all entering the new era. Whilst much may seem to be unchanging, or even slipping backwards, this is not the case. The new era is emerging faster than expected as a result of the connections which have and are being made. Look around you at the events which herald the emergence of the new era.

Some may seem to be fragile, others more robust. All herald the new. Which requires further personal transformation to be completed, not to be played at. The closer connection to and awareness of Spirit will begin to accelerate the pace of the emergence.

The form of the new — collaboration and connection, are the key themes. These are also apparent as you look around you. It is the structures of your lives which will feel the strain. Whether they break or adapt will depend on how those controlling such structures act.

Reaction is not what is called for. Rather action to create for the new era, not to revert to the old. To seek to do so will only increase the need for demolition rather than adjustment.

Bring forth your own skills and values rather than those of the old. This is where you will find the most fun in what is being created.”

To help achieve balance and harmony on 18th June a first quarter moon in Libra rises. It also emphasises intimacy, as Libra is the sign most associated with true love and interpersonal relationships. Re-connect with loved ones, and the laughter and joy these moments bring.

Be In The Flow Of Your Creative Energy

The first quarter moon is typically when we push through challenges or roadblocks on our way to making real the intentions we set during the last new moon. In this case, the influence of Libra is to ask us to work with charm and grace rather than force.

Instead, allow yourself moments of stillness and acceptance amidst the beauty of your creative energy.

The Sun enters Cancer on 20th June, as a water sign it says “Go with the flow.”

Venus — the planet of love and romance, is in the sign of Cancer. It is also the planet guiding money and finances. In the sign of Cancer, Venus wants to nurture and protect, meaning unexpected abundance and financial security may flow your way this Cancer season.

However, also on the 20th Jupiter — the planet of expansion, luck, and good fortune, moves retrograde. Meaning it may feel as though good fortune and opportunities grind to a halt.

These last few days of June have even more retrograde activity as first Mercury goes direct on 22nd June, the shadow period lasts until 7th July. The day after the full moon in Capricorn on 24th June, Neptune moves retrograde.

Neptune deals with illusion, mysticism, and dreams. When retrograde, it may feel as though a veil has been lifted from your eyes. This will be especially the case if you have been clinging to or clouded by certain illusions that have been restricting your creative energy. Holding you back from stepping into the new.

The full moon itself will highlight internal conflicts such as work versus home, what you need versus what you desire. Tension between the inner world and external pressures can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

Two Questions To Help You Use The Creative Energy

As a full moon, it will encourage us to assess our emotional stability and security. To make sure you stand upon a solid foundation as you continue to dream about your vision.

Then June will be over and with it the cosmic cauldron of chaos.

Though remember this period of transformation began in 2008 when Pluto moved into Capricorn. Until 2024 it will continue to transform our relationship to the structures of power and authority. Both internally and externally — particularly in business/enterprise and society as a whole.

Here are two questions to help you use the powerful though paradoxical creative energy present:

  1. Where do you believe you will find the foundation for the stability you are seeking in your life and business?
  2. Which aspects of your life are so stable they are or are about to become a stagnant comfort zone?

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this story to others you love.

To Living Your Creative Energy


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA. His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire others to lead, find their inner strength, and connect feelings they may have repressed in achieving success. He upsets people’s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

More insights are at shamanicceo.com.



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.