Desire To Take Forward Your Life, What Is Holding You Back?

The technological change emerging will create new leaders

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readMay 30, 2022


Take Forward What You Desire — Photo by Dušan veverkolog on Unsplash

In the current energy, have you chosen what to take forward on your journey, to leave behind what is holding you back? Your rebirth has a cost.

To re-define yourself, to break free of what is restraining you, and align with your true authentic self, something must first be left behind. Which was the purpose of the eclipse cycle — three weeks of intense decision making, or having others make the decisions for you.

Ready To Take Forward The New, Innovative And Never Been Done Before?

Answering the questions surrounding our rebirth has been the focus for many during these weeks. Starting with accepting and then letting go of the patterns, behaviours, practices, and relationships that no longer serve.

Though for those who have long held onto a belief or practice that keeps you stagnant, it is often nearly impossible to recognise it any more.

Added to that, the Mother Earth we knew pre-2020 has changed forever, and many have been left feeling — “What’s next?”

Enter the new moon in Gemini on 30th May to create opportunities for all.

Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, is sextile to Neptune whilst also square to Saturn. Together they signify a strong dedication to communicate with kindness and listen to Spirit speak through you.

Mercury also creates a trine to Pluto, enhancing truth-telling and the confidence to share profound inspiration and ideas.

All of these building on Jupiter´s move earlier in May into Aries. It brought our focus to what is new, innovative and never been done before. Breaking down any internal resistance to doing so.

As the sign of action, courage and risk-taking, Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, is now influencing three planets. Suggesting a wonderful energy of healing new beginnings. As one of the three, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will be pushing us to manifest our desires over the next two years.

The energy will also encourage those who have a natural ability for leadership to step forward, setting the tone for the coming 12 years. The influence of Aries means there will be greater interest in those businesses and projects which have an emphasis on “being the first to market”; “being the one breaking ground” and beyond.

To take forward such technological change will probably need new leaders.

Speak, Offer And Share From Your Truth

Mercury currently retrograde in Taurus, provides a focus on methodical approaches and thinking through the ways we can ultimately take forward new ideas. A retrograde Mercury means our communication is inward, bringing a need for reflection, review, reconsideration, and re-evaluation to the fore.

As an Earth sign, Taurus is the sign of the senses, routines, and the rhythms of nature. So, this reflection and review takes place in practical ways and forms. It brings the potential to take forward new ways of thinking or structuring our ideas.

This new moon also has an emphasis for putting a deeper truth into your words. Using them will help you bolster your own courage, so you can speak, offer, and share more fully from your truth. The one based on your values rather than your thoughts!

Gemini is about using your voice and communicating, expressing, seeking adventure and evolving in new ways, networking, connecting, and enjoying life. We will collectively feel this within our lives, meaning are you ready to step outside of your comfort zone and connect with other people?

As a mutable sign, Gemini allows us to make changes and take forward whatever transitions we seek.

This can happen in an instant — when you are willing to accept change and commit to it. Though some flashbacks may seek to pull you back to your old patterns and habits.

Whilst Mercury goes direct on 3rd June, it will only be free of its post-shadow sludge on 18th June. During this period, expect a fair amount of confusion. Initially around how we communicate and in our day-to-day lives. There will also be a greater focus on misalignments around finances, possessions and ownership.

Message From Source

A few days before the new moon, Mars moved into Aries. Making this an excellent period to consider how you can embrace your independence and create the destiny that will make you happiest! This energy lasts until 5th July, 2022, though from 23rd June Mars clashes with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Making this once again an intense period as power struggles intensify and boundaries are challenged.

June is therefore the month to express yourself, to be true to who you are and rekindle your passions. To be in alignment with your soul´s mission.

The latest Message from Source provides advice on how to take forward this process of creation:

“Bring forth your own Light to help you create what you desire. Do not allow yourself to be constrained by what you have experienced. The new era will not be built on what has been experienced or it would not be a new era. There are so many clues available to humanity as to what is emerging or the themes for it, yet how many listen or even open their own psyche to what is evolving? The leaders will be those who allow themselves to vision beyond their past.

Tomorrow will be another step for you into the unknown. Take it boldly and with a sense of commitment. It needs to be a conscious step, even though your direction is unknown. Trust in your support and the direction you are heading. So many new technologies are in the process of emerging, as are the means to communicate them to all of humanity. Remember also that all of Creation is accelerating in its own evolution and so is humanity and Mother Earth, the two are indivisible.

June Is About Having Fun, Joy And Expressing Yourself

For the moment gather yourselves, observe and reflect on what you desire. The process you call manifestation is evolving as well. Yes, structure what are your desires, though bring forth from your own consciousness what are the desires in the moment and trust your feeling, not your thoughts. This is how the new will increasingly communicate. This is part of the new connected era that is emerging.

Create from your feelings, not how that feeling feels to you — is it full of joy or sadness, fear or guilt. Whichever it is will determine the creation you achieve. Never be afraid to create what you feel is your desire. Continue not to suppress your desires. All that does is create new inner conflict. Is that your choice?”

This sentiment may be challenged when Saturn goes retrograde on 4th June. Creating a challenging feeling to anything even mildly experimental or innovative! What it is asking is you review and assess these ideas until it goes direct on 23rd October. In particular, is there a way collaboration can enhance and strengthen such projects.

In numerology, June 2022 is a 12 Universal month. Three is a number associated with fun and joy, creativity and expression.

Three teaches you to speak your truth. So, anything which is weighing down your heart will need to be expressed. It does not want us to take forward anything left over from the flashbacks and insights which appeared during the eclipse cycle. The three also increases our sensitivity.

14th June the super full moon in Sagittarius rises. Full moons are often turning points and so quite emotional. As a Fire sign, Sagittarius always pursues new horizons as it seeks to manifest limitless expansion.

Need help in manifesting, seven steps are in What Are You Manifesting In Your Life? Is It What You Truly Desire?”

Ready To Take Forward Your Dreams?

Meaning, should you be willing to take a risk, the following two weeks are ideal for setting your mission in motion, stepping into being viewed as a leader.

Should any pain or dis-comfort appear, remember it is a signal from your body something needs addressing. This article will help you identify the emotion of cause.

The solstice on 21st June will encourage us to review whether we have built a solid foundation to take forward our dreams.

During Jupiter’s journey through Aries there will be an increased risk of wildfires, heat waves, explosions, and even acts of violence. This is particularly so until 28th July and will also be prominent in 2023.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Taking Forward Your Life


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aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.