Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
8 min readMay 15, 2022



You Have The Chance For Re-Birth — Or Stay Where You Are?

Three steps to effect a transformation

The Choice Of Re-birth — Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

We are all feeling the desire to purge, for only then can we complete our re-birth. Finally freeing us from our shadow, toxic patterns and removing decay.

This liberation is why we chose to incarnate. To have the freedom to integrate our body, mind and soul.

Unsafe And Unsure In This Role Called Being Human?

Tens of thousands of previous generations have lived in survival mode. They therefore had little or no opportunity to attend to their secondary, or deeper needs.

This period of transition is providing us the chance for re-birth so we can evolve. The choice we each face is more re-cycling or to up-cycle. To stay in what is crumbling or step into the unknown?

Talking to a client this afternoon she indicated she had made a decision at the age of 38 which had led to her soul splitting. She was seeking guidance on how to re-integrate this part of her essence. A part whose energy she believed would be essential for the next step of her evolution.

What I outlined to her were three steps to effect such a transformation.

The purpose being to bring freedom back into her life.

The trigger had been the realisation there was no alignment in her life between what she felt called to be and her thoughts and so actions. The result — joy was not flowing in her life.

What all of us have incarnated on Mother Earth to do, is to come back into the Self. When we birth here, most often what happens is our body goes one way, our mind another, and the breath yet another.

The result, our essence never fully lands, so we feel unsafe, unsure how to be, know and act in this role called being human. We therefore go seeking acceptance, approval, connection, and a sense of belonging. Yes, and to be loved.

The act of seeking outside of ourselves means the inner feelings are, at best, ignored. This creates inner conflict and results in pain and dis-comfort as our body tries to send us a message about resolving this conflict.

You Are The Source Of Your Own Healing

How often do you seek to connect with your body to ask what is the purpose of the pain and dis-comfort? Mostly we try to suppress it, or just pretend it does not exist!

When experiencing dis-ease or a lack of harmony of any kind, someone will say:

“You’ve lost your connection to the Creator — you need to re-connect.”


“In order to heal, you have to connect to the source of all healing — the Creator (from which you are dis-connected).”

Perhaps you have even used such words as: “I’m just… dis-connected.”

Then you find yourself on your mission — to re-connect. However, your mission is to connect to something outside of yourself. So, we become caught up in seeking.

Which is a mission that will fail on every occasion because there is nothing to find.

The Creator is who we are.

You are the Creator.

Each of us is therefore the source of our own healing. And, when you heal yourself this benefits all of humanity and so all of Creation. By creating your own reality you influence the whole.

This requires a re-birth in terms of your own view of life. Instead of being the barrier to your own success. Open your inner eyes and see all the zeal and energy that is within, it is far beyond what you imagine.

Its story was in the symbol of the snake skin I found across my path the other day. Transformation through re-birth. Life goes on, yet we have changed.

The coming total lunar full moon eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis is an indicator this is the moment to focus on yourself, to re-birth yourself and your life. Though not in the image of anyone else other than your Self.

You Have A Choice To Make — Act Gracefully Or Fight

Saturn in Aquarius is guiding us to reform and re-structure a new future Self, society, government, and a new future Mother Earth. Hence the intensity being felt as well as the pain and dis-comfort surfacing. Especially should we prefer to resist the desire to simplify, connect to our core, simple selves, be more self-sufficient, and appreciate all Nature provides for us.

Reminding yourself freedom is your right. Even when your life experience does not feel very free.

The shadow archetype of Scorpio has a focus on loss, betrayal, and abandonment. The highest expression of Scorpio is about coming together and creating immense value and wealth out of the union. Deep soul contracts and transformations alter the very nature of who we are.

Which is why many soul contracts will come to an end during the eclipse — the death of old values, deep painful memories and relationships that have run their course. The choice is to gracefully draw upon your inner-resources to work with the changes, or fight it to the end.

To me this is not a choice, only I know some will refuse to accept the quietest route is to surrender gracefully rather than fight the inevitable.

Death and re-birth and the need for change and evolution provide us with a return to stillness in the calm and peace of stability. Living a simple life where distractions no longer take us away from building our connection — with each other and the Creator.

Scorpio and Taurus are ultimately about harnessing the power within and manifesting it into the physical.

Doing so will also bring you closer to one of the emerging longer term themes — re-defining what we understand by the word abundance. To most it has a strong link to money and having a lot of things.

Message From Source

Implying competition rooted in the phrase “survival of the fittest”.

Uranus and Saturn are inviting us to contemplate how much is enough? As we re-focus our energy from competition to collaboration, our creative energy will discover solutions to the humanity´s challenges — re-birth!.

When our choice aligns with Spirit, we find it supported; when not, we find the way blocked. An overview of current events is in the latest Message from Source:

“The era is coming to a close and far more quickly than was expected. The timelines are consolidating to begin the process of the new emerging for all to sense and to see. The first will be the sense of honesty and truth as to who you are and who you are not. This will initiate a shift in both your individual and collective perceptions. It is from this foundation the true sense of the new will emerge. No longer hidebound by what was and has been.

The old habits and patterns will never dis-appear overnight, though their power to control each of you will diminish quickly. This process has already begun as many of you address your own burdens and limitations.

The truth is that what each of you is seeking is the freedom to be yourself. This is akin to stepping into the total unknown as most of you have only at best a hint of who you are. From there it will become a sense of what then is it you desire to create to live a life of joy and fun. Only then will you be truly free from of your own choices.

It is this freedom you are each being asked to release. As a freewill Universe each of you, has to choose to do so. This is the nature of what is unfolding.”

The Wesak Full Moon

In many Buddhist traditions, the Scorpio full moon is the moon under which Buddha was born, when he attained enlightenment and when he died at 80. It is known as the Wesak full moon.

Its call is to surrender and simply receive the Light, the energy and healing — all three are 11 in numerology. We then emerge from the Wesak full moon in an awakened state of wisdom and enlightenment — both also 11 in numerology.

A master number, it is associated with karma, as well as linking to spiritual awakening. It is said to offer insight, higher energy, inspiration, and creativity.

Which reminds me of this quote from Letters to My Daughters by Judith Minty:

“I give you this to take with you:

Nothing remains as it was.

If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting.”

Which brings us back to the three steps to effect your re-birth.

Three Steps To Effect Your Re-birth

Begin by finding a quiet space without distractions and one where you can relax and allow yourself to connect to all that is.

The three steps to help you are:

  1. Feel into all aspects of your life, the highs and any lows. Allow any events or memories to surface, note any feelings which also appear. Observe those feelings, asking whether all the desired lessons have been learnt? Should there still be unlearnt lessons, seek to identify what they are and accept the lesson.Then state out loud you accept all the lessons your life to this moment has created to assist in your evolution. Note any feelings, images or other awareness which appears. Thank them and allow them to depart.
  2. At least 12 hours later, establish once again that place of peace and calm. Focus your feelings on what you enjoy in life, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential. Sort them into any themes or aspects of your life. Identify what brings you joy and provides fun. Write them down.
  3. Consider the points you have written down. Can you discern any themes or activities which you can use as foundations to build your new life? Seek guidance as to any insights which may assist you to create your new life. Write down any insights and answers to any questions you may have. Once you have consolidated the information begin to ask questions such as: what actions do you need to take in the next 7, 30 days etc.. Always ask is there any further guidance which may assist your evolution.

This total lunar eclipse on 16th May has the power to change our lives. As one chapter is closed, a horizon filled with new opportunities will come into view.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and need some help to align and fulfil their life.

To Making The Choice For Re-birth


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aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.