Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readJan 27, 2022



Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want?

Four components necessary to create enduring success

Is Success Elusive? - Ian Stauffer, Unsplash

Is success so elusive for you? Have you ever achieved what you consider to be success? Then you know what it feels like, though it did not endure.

Ready to give up on success or is there anything you are going to do differently in 2022?

Your Definition Of Success Is…?

For many the very notion of success is uncertain. Survey after survey shows a high degree of job dis-satisfaction and burnout among the working population, even among those with plenty of options.

The last two years have brought reminders the traditional career paths have become pointless. The enforced separation of people and their place of work enabled many to question their focus and the stress of overworking, yet being under-satisfied.

To me the increase in people preferring to work from home and only visit occasionally the proverbial place of work, is another aspect of the same.

Hence many appear to be now considering their own definition of success and how does this fit with their own values? Re-surfacing once again the question of success or happiness?

Are they really mutually exclusive? Believing so comes from success requires a winner-takes-all approach. Which depends on putting all your energy into achieving one objective.

Be it a single-minded focus on your career or business or a commitment to being the best whatever in your community.

Fortunately for me the re-structuring underway is re-emphasising once more success does not need to be one-dimensional. It does not need to be a tug-of-war between achievement and happiness.

Success also evolves just as we do. Making it emotionally renewing, not anxiety provoking.

As we take back our power, our sovereignty, so each of us can understand and create our own unique definition of success. One standard size has never fitted all.

It was the Industrial Revolution which created systems designed to power enterprise. These providing the modern industrial world with its standardisation of workforce skills and expectations.

Hence the relentless pursuit of standardisation and better grades. These being viewed as the means to achieve the success you believe you desire in life.

The Four Components To Create Success

These processes were created to ensure the machinery could operate to maximum efficiency. Hence the fixed hours of work, standard operating procedures and organisation structures.

The incentive offered was work hard then success will follow”.

With the structure and ethos of our current education and schooling systems being designed to support these needs.

The reward for success in climbing the ladder of your chosen profession, being in the happiness of the status and possessions it brings. Or, at least that is the offer.

Seeking success creates its own stress as I and many, many others know. Just as its lack also creates the same.

Yet decades of neuroscience research and studies of positive psychology have shown happiness is a precursor to success. That published in the Psychological Bulletin is just one example.

This is extended in an article published in the Harvard Business Review. It details a framework of four components necessary to create enduring success.

These are:

  • happiness — feelings of pleasure or contentment about your life;
  • achievement — accomplishments that compare favourably against similar objectives others have sought;
  • significance — the sense you have made a positive impact on people you care about; and
  • legacy — a way to establish your values or accomplishments so as to help others find their success.

Success will only be felt when there is balance between all four components. That will also ensure it endures.

As 2022 is about living the life you desire to live, this may mean you need to set out your own definition of success. Once you do, this will begin to shift your belief systems to those that align with your own values, not those society has set down for you.

That is how you will align with one of the core themes for 2022.

Message From Source

To know yourself so deeply all your actions are in complete alignment with your soul⁠ and its desires.

Enabling you to ride out the sudden changes created by the Great Awakener Uranus. As personally and collectively transformation will be the essence of the years to 2024.

This latest Message from Source indicates a new phase of evolution has begun:

“We are entering a new phase for evolution of humanity and Mother Earth as well as all of the Cosmos. Do not overlook all are expanding and evolving at the same moment. This is not a solo journey.

This phase is going to bring forth many revelations for you to enjoy as well as grasp the true nature of what is unfolding. For many this is going to be an exciting phase. The core message and experience is going to be one of appreciation about how nothing is separate. Instead a new awareness will grow of how all are connected with each other., Mother Earth and so the Cosmos of life. For all this has been created to assist your souls evolve and be curious about continuing to do so.

As you received many moons ago, all of Creation continues to expand. There is no choice to change that. Contraction has not been introduced into the equation of evolution. It would certainly not be exciting!

Allow yourself to be in the flow of creation. Doing so will bring forth unknown events and meetings. Which is why curiosity is the way to view this phase. Be curious as to what unfolds. Be joyful as it does and allow yourself to feel excited by your own success in doing so.

As you align with what your soul desires, so you do the same with the Creator.

What Gives You The Most Fun And Joy?

Yes you may have concerns, though is that not how you also bring excitement into your life? For is there not beauty in any moment of your life? Enjoy that beauty and be excited as to what may follow.

The success you all seek can only flow from within and being aligned with all aspects of your being. Everything else is ephemeral and passing.

Bring yourselves into the space of the moment and enjoy how it feels Then you will enjoy what then appears and manifests in your life. Opportunities are about to increase for all to explore and choose their own next phase. This is how creation continues to ever expand and evolve. Each of you adds your own choices to that process. Which is why it is so exciting and so how success is available to all to enjoy.”

When you come to live what you have set out, remember business success, family and friends, personal pursuits, are all part of your life. No aspect can ever be separated from the others. Putting more focus on one aspect automatically reduces the focus on another one.

Consider this from the feelings of your Inner Wisdom. Namely “what do you value most, spiritually, emotionally, and materially?” What is it that gives you fun and joy? And, if you are not doing it you will not have fun and joy in your life.

Be prepared to review your definition of success. Assess what is not working, because that is the best way to be unhappy and unfulfilled.

Ask yourself are you having fun and joy in your life? When you are, you are successful. The happier you are, the more successful you are.

When you are not is the moment to make some changes.

Do You Really Deserve Your Success?

Success is then no longer elusive. Rather it endures.

Remember from 2022 there is no need to copy anyone. Instead focus on what brings fun and joy into your life. That is how you will create your own success as you integrate new patterns and rhythms.

Defining success for you will help create your vision. Life will become simpler and more meaningful as a result.

Another reminder about success — prior success does not guarantee future success. Intelligence is often situation specific.

The highly successful are often surrounded by yes people. Meaning they rarely have anyone willing to challenge their thinking.

Which leads me to this poetic reminder from Rich Litvin:

“It’s easier to follow than to lead.

It’s easier to see than to be seen.

It’s easier to love than to be loved.

It’s easier to imitate than to originate.

It’s easier to sit quietly than to stand out.

It’s easier to speed up than to slow down.

It’s easier to wait for clarity than to be messy.

It’s easier to seek perfection than to take action.

It’s easier to look for inspiration than to be inspiring.

It’s easier to talk at other people than to listen to them.

It’s easier to wait for confidence than to take one tiny act of courage.

Your only job is to believe that what we admire about you is true.

Become the person you would choose to follow.”

So, what is it you really want — an easy life or to take the steps towards success? For, as Maya Angelou indicated:

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

Please SHARE this story with others you love and need some help to align and fulfil their life.

To Bringing Success Into Your Life


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.