The Next Six Months Are For You To Create Your Sustainable Life

When we are still we can build faith to go forward on our path

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readMay 11, 2021


Your Sustainable Life — Robert Thiemann, Unsplash

You have the power to shape your own sustainable life. Envision how you want your life to be, though never limit yourself to conventional ideas of “success” — instead imagine beyond the horizon.

This is the moment to create the plans that will take you to where you desire your life to be. A dreamy and rebellious new moon in Taurus will help you do so.

The Taurus New Moon Aligns With Your Truth

Rising early evening on 11th May, it is encouraging us all to plant seeds in the shadows; nurture ideas, and explore our passions internally during periods of deep introspection. The moon will highlight the connection between the physical world and the world of ideas.

Doing so will help us see more clearly how we participate in the ongoing dynamic between the ideal and the real. How our individual actions influence the matrix of creation.

Having a vision for creating a sustainable life means trusting the path of change. Tapping into the changes that need to take place, not just in the world around you, especially inside you.

Truth is something you experience — you can feel truth because it resonates for you personally. It makes sense in a way that is meaningful.

On the other hand, reality can be the world you have to deal with whether you like it or not. Doing so forces you to learn and grow, helping you gain the valuable life skills your soul desires. Being congruent with its mission or purpose.

This Taurus moon is seeking to ensure you connect with your authentic self, dream big and rebel against counter-productive social expectations. That is the way to create your sustainable life.

Continuing to focus on the “goals” of your social and cultural conditioning will not.

Instead discover what your soul is really seeking to explore? When you sit with yourself in quiet solitude and listen to your soul song, what clarity, focus and desires gently reveal themselves to you?

Perhaps integrity within yourself, living a life of kindness and inner peace or a career that is in alignment with your purpose. Or, maybe objectives as simple as helping others or following your creative passion no matter where it takes you.

Create Space For Your Sustainable Life

Above all, this Taurus new moon is urging you to be authentic. To rebel against anything in your personal life holding you back from living an authentic sustainable life.

Create space for you over the coming weeks, if not longer. The amount of change underway is tiring. It can be easy for the voice of your Inner Wisdom to become lost in sensational headlines and endless debates of polarised viewpoints between Them and Us.

The moments when we are still can provide vital nourishment and allow our spirit to be heard. That way we can build faith to go forward on our path, no matter what our external world looks like. Our consciousness rises as we ask ourselves “is there another way?

This question is one which underlies the next six months. For this moon heralds a new lunar cycle of creation in which to build your idea from the intangible into the real.

Your idea, the dream you have about your work cannot just be mental. It has to rise from that place of deep inspiration within you, your connection no less.

My suggestion is “listen to your gut”, your intuition. Follow your calling and you will experience returns by the Taurus full moon on 19th November.

It could even be during this six months you become aware of what is your purpose, your soul´s mission. The great unknown we all seek to know at some stage or other in this life

So, do you have a vision for yourself that you feel passionate about? In which case commit to it and then surrender your vision to Spirit whilst setting a trajectory towards it.

Despite wider world turmoil or confusion, many visionaries will be crystallising and acting on their next steps in the next 18 months.

Message From Source

Then move your focus to the journey, the day to day movement towards the vision. The little steps which will build it rather than being overwhelmed by it. This is the guidance I offer to build your new direction and business.

May began with four planets in the Earth element Taurus. Bringing an emphasis on re-evaluating your worth as Taurus helps you assess your values. There are also several positive boosts for entrepreneurs during the month.

The latest Message from Source adds further insights on this:

“Bring forth your own talents. They are what you arrived with in order to serve humanity´s evolution. Yes evolving consciousness is the objective, though it will come from each of you being yourselves. Using all of your talents to benefit evolution. That is your purpose.

Each of you has their own mission or potential you desire to achieve. It is though not a competition or a test to pass. That defeats the purpose of evolution. For there is no-one route or way life must evolve. It is a constant flow based on the actions you take. Taking no action is one of the choices which is always available.

Sometimes it is the very action which is in your highest good and purpose. Simply to observe the beauty which is always around you. and to enjoy it. Even if for only a moment. It will create the feeling of joy and so impact what you experience and so seek to allow more into your lives.

That is the way to transit this period in human evolution. The whys and wherefores are not relevant to the moment of joy, it is the moment you have created to remind you of why you are where you are.”

Jupiter Spreads His Wings

My question to you is what belief are you holding that is keeping you from realising your vision?

Waiting for something to happen, then nothing is going to change. Change is so much easier than we think it is. It only needs you to make a decision to do so.

Eclipse season begins with this new moon as the culmination of its cycle is the full moon on 26th May, a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.

13th May Jupiter moves into spiritual Pisces. Released from the restriction of Saturn until 29th July to spread his wings to be as wise, spiritual, and big-picture as he wants. This will help restore our sense of faith and optimism. We may feel called to expand our minds or connect with ourselves and others on a soul level.

Due to its upcoming retrograde, Jupiter will only be here for about two months — moving back into Aquarius in July. However, as Jupiter is in Pisces for most of 2022 these two months will provide a foretaste of what next year holds.

Creativity, compassion and soulful growth is amplified when Jupiter is in Pisces. We therefore have August to December to prepare the ground for ourselves and those we connect with for the 2022 shake up.

The pre-shadow for the second Mercury retrograde of 2021 starts on 15th May. In Gemini, the mind, the retrograde starts 29th May.

On the 20th the Sun enters Gemini. An intrinsically curious energy, we will begin to pay attention to what is going on, and approach life with a beginner’s mind. This is usually when we finally discover solutions to old problems that previously felt impossible to solve.

My story “Have You The OPPORTUNITY To Create Your Dreams?” sets out five ways to help you realise your dream.

Expect The Unexpected

The second retrograde of May takes place in Saturn on the 23rd. During its retrograde you will be forced to stop to reassess an area of your life that is not working as well as it could be.

Saturn retrograde is an opportunity to re-view, re-engineer and re-imagine that aspect of your life. When Saturn goes direct on 10th October, you will have found a new solution, a new operating model that will energise your life.

Expect organic, inspired, purposeful and natural innovations to appear that answer the big challenges we face this phase of our transition. This is likely to influence current and future public policy and the makers of public policy.

In the background Pluto´s retrograde in Capricorn until 6th October is continuing to encourage you to review the way you are building your career or business.

The more bold are your choices between now and October, the more successful and sustainable your life will be.

Then on 26th May the full moon and total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius occurs. They trailblaze visionary change — our dreams and desires. Whilst another push into new territory might at first seem a little scary, the purpose is to inspire us to stretch ourselves.

Inviting us to live a brand new, authentic and quite possibly unexpected sustainable life!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this story to others you love.

To Creating Your Sustainable Life


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA. His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire others to lead, find their inner strength, and connect feelings they may have repressed in achieving success. He upsets people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

More insights are on: shamanicceo.com.



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.