Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
8 min readApr 27, 2022



Have You Chosen To Create Your Life Or Allow Destiny To Direct It?

Is your choice to continue as the victim or be the master of your destiny?

Destiny To Direct Your Life — Photo by Jojo Yuen (sharemyfoodd) on Unsplash

Is there a difference between the fate of creating your life or allowing destiny to direct it?

To me fate is more of a moment when an event alters the trajectory of your life

…it could be a person you meet who changes your life forever, an accident, or a spontaneous action that leads you down a path you would never have otherwise discovered.

Have You Allowed Destiny To Direct Your Life?

Destiny, on the other hand, is grander. It is the underlying story of your life. It is full of fated moments which happen within your slowly unfolding story.

In many senses the question represents a continuing contradiction between the Western belief our life is in our own hands and the karma of the Eastern traditions. My articles have often referred to my belief every soul shares the same purpose — to evolve.

It is the path we choose to do it which makes us unique. Destiny though is not a task, or even an end point. Rather it is constantly moving as events around each of us unfold.

We have incarnated to complete our chosen purpose, even though we may not have clarity as to what it is! I have also discovered there is no one fixed purpose per lifetime. Rather complete one purpose and another can be offered, meaning there could be several in each lifetime.

As a freewill Universe, we must choose as to whether we accept or not each such contract.

Realising it though requires coaxing, work, and action. Destiny wants to be pursued, it wants to be discovered. Why?

Because it is on the journey we learn to understand its purpose and the lessons it offers.

Or, as Marcus Aurelius put it:

“Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs?”

The lessons are opportunities to transform and so to heal ourselves. That is how we release our full potential. To understand ourselves better so we continue to evolve.

That said, the question is whether we believe our journey here on Mother Earth is the result of allowing destiny to direct it? Or, whether we truly have complete freewill to choose what we create?

Message From Source

The question has a broader remit than simply freewill or destiny. For both are exercised within the events which influence our lives and so our journey.

My own experience is the most significant and life changing events that have ultimately fashioned my journey have not been of my own creation nor, of my own choosing at the conscious level. Hence the question — who chooses?

As 95% odd of our actions flow from our unconscious mind, which part of us is making the choice, and do we consciously align with it?

We all have the opportunity to make a choice, and we do. However, the subsequent outcomes of our choices are not necessarily those our mind imagines! We fit in with the overall picture, in which everyone and everything is included in the gigantic matrix we call life.

When our choice aligns with the Cosmos, we find it supported; when not, we find the way blocked. Cosmos itself comes from the Greek word meaning “order”! An overview of this is clearly provided in the latest Message from Source:

“Be yourselves, allow events to unfold based on what is your desire to create. We are here to support that creation, that choice you make. For nothing is fixed in terms of your own experience. Yes, there were lessons you sought to learn before you incarnated. They are not the only reason you chose to incarnate, nor are they what drives human evolution. That is separate though influenced by those lessons.

They agglomerate into evolution, though are not its driver. This flows from what you desire to create, the new experiences you all seek. For life would become rather boring and so not many souls would seek to incarnate, if there was nothing new to experience or create.

Are You Certain Or Uncertain In Your Destiny To Direct Your Life

It is this desire for new experiences which should focus your creative energy. Each of you, for each impacts the whole.

Yes, that experience is influenced by the planets and what is unfolding across the Cosmos, for they are also part of Creation, not separate from it. Hence why for millennia humans and other species have observed what is unfolding in the sky. It creates the environment in which Creation evolves. All is connected not separate.

There is a hierarchy of planetary influences guiding all in Creation. These cycles are a reminder life evolves in the flow rather than dis-connected from it. This is why those connected to Mother Earth can sense events before they begin. Nothing is random, all are connected.”

The choice for all of us is whether we follow the desire of our unconscious mind for certainty and predictability or the soul´s desire for freedom and new experiences? Which aspect fits your destiny to direct your life?

Which of the two directions in life do we choose — to run away from something we have experienced or move toward something uncertain? To continue as the victim or be the master of your destiny?

My article The Tipping Point Of Change Is Looming, Are You Ready To Act? set out two interpretations of the long cycles of human evolution underway. Those of the Toltec/Aztec and Mayan calendars as well as the evolution of humanity´s chakras.

In it I wrote:

“Guidance says there is no limit to the level of consciousness humanity can create during this period. Hence it is not a question of waiting for others to make Mother Earth a better place.”

Our different planets create themes to guide your destiny as we move through the first of the three phases of this cycle of growth and transformation.

Some Planetary Themes Creating Your Destiny

There are long cycles such as Mother Earth and its Galaxy now transiting through Aquarius for about 2,160 years. Key words describing Aquarius are: independent, humanitarian, rebellious, determined, innovative, wisdom, individuality and collaboration.

Then there are shorter cycles, such as Neptune being in Pisces from 2011 until 2026 — calling us to act on our higher purpose as well as taking care of Water.

And, Uranus being in Taurus until 2028 — intending we re-make our relationships with government and the systems of money and finance. As well as changing how we act with regard to human rights and social justice. It also acts as our catalyst to break free from complacency and liberate us from constrictions.

In the Taoist tradition, we are in the year of the Water Tiger, making this one full of very strong, wild emotions. Meaning destiny will encourage more people to say what they mean rather than what is polite. Taking action to do what is best rather than what is expected, and choosing the path which is best for them no matter if it is less travelled.

1962, the year of the previous Water Tiger, included the Cuban missile crisis. Tiger energy is about leaping forward into new situations, ventures, and places.

As part of Mother Earth, the planets also influence countries. For example, in February Pluto made its first return to the exact degree and sign it was in at the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the USA in 1776.

Pluto is known for shaking up current dynamics and pushing them to crumble. Its purpose being to allow them to be put back together in a restorative manner. Suggesting the country may undergo some major changes, probably linked to re-balancing of the Divine Feminine — collaboration!

Some Predictions About Your Destiny To Direct Your Life

On 12th April, 2022 Jupiter, the planet of expansion, united with Neptune, the planet of imagination and spirituality, in the realm of Pisces. This has not taken place since 1856.

This “just happened to be” the year the Crimean war between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, France, England and Sardinia came to an end. According to Britannica, the dispute was about Russian demands to exercise protection over the Russian Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman sultan.

The war was poorly managed and commanded on both sides. Russia was defeated, the Black Sea neutralised and as an indirect result, both Italy and Germany unified.

How the current dispute unfolds will depend on the actions taken. However, Nostradamus made some predictions in 1555 which some have interpreted as war reaching Europe in the spring of 2022. He also indicated we should not be surprised if 2022 is marked by inflation and hunger leading to rebellion.

2023´s indications are for the beginning of a new era as well as seven months of a “Greater War.” Leading to the destruction of a large Empire — perhaps Russia or China. All of which will impact financial markets as a fundamental transformation of our world takes place. The re-birth of humanity with increased connection in all its forms.

Now is the moment to take charge of your destiny. That though is more than intention setting. The power is in making the choice, the decision, then taking action. Ensuring it is aligned with what in the Vedic tradition is known as your dharma.

Seven steps to help you identify your soul´s desires are outlined in this article:

That is the way you will create your own destiny. For, as William Shakespeare put it:

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”

Please SHARE this article with others you love and need some help to align and fulfil their life.

To Creating Your Own Destiny To Direct Your life


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aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.