Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readMar 2, 2022



Observe The Transition. Are You Focused On The Headlines Or Creating Your Desires?

Connect to the three gifts of this Pisces new moon

Observe The Transition — Kalea Jerielle on Unsplash

“Observe events” has been a key theme in Message From Source since I began its channelling. I was reminded to observe this during the two Summit presentations I gave last week.

Then there have been world events, let alone more personal ones. Each has been a reminder we are in a period of transition. One where we are moving toward balance and harmony in our lives. However, this transition has a long arc to it!

Flow Through To What Is Beyond…

The Russia Ukraine conflict is a symbol of what humanity is moving away from — hence the knee jerk re-action which created the invasion. Which has provoked unity both within the country and in the response from organisations previously sympathetic to Russia and its interests.

Individually, we are facing a similar conflict. Is your focus on love, passion, beauty and peace or on the grief for the forms and structures which have been constricting your life? Is your focus on what was or on new ways of being?

This is the choice the new moon in Pisces on 2nd March presents. Pisces dissolves and as a Water sign, does so by flowing through the veil to what is beyond — the Creator.

When moving from Air, Aquarius, to Water, we move from the mind to the heart. Indicating now is the moment to clear any persistent thoughts floating around.

What is special about a Pisces moon is its intuitive nature. Though make sure you are not picking up the emotions of others. Should you do so then this would mean your third eye is too open. To gain clarity, know what is yours to feel and experience.

Once you do, you are being asked to connect with your Inner Wisdom, your intuition to allow this new moon to affect your spiritual re-birth. Addressing whatever distraction is separating you from your heart.

Hence, observe yourself and what you allow to distract you from loving yourself. This is the key to maintaining your inner peace. An objective I have been reminded about for many weeks.

The most consistent distraction I have noticed is believing one is a victim. Of one´s own thoughts, life experiences or the actions of others. Which for many have had links to their ancestral lineage.

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source provides guidance on what is emerging in the transition underway:

“Bring forth your light for all to see, that is how each of you will be the wayshower. No matter whether for yourself or for others, this will be an essential tool for each of you to embody.

What is unfolding may seem to be horrific. Allow the events to unfold completely before you rush to make sense of them. There is much yet to appear and actions to be taken. Each will have its own consequence for each of you.

Stay within your own space and be the observer of what is unfolding rather than be caught in the story others are creating. There will be very soon evidence for all to see of the changes underway as the old is supplanted by the new. The ripple effect will also be longer lasting than the events themselves.

Be assured there is a purpose in the current events. These may also be soon overshadowed by others. Though these will have a very different complexion. Note also the unity which is appearing. This in itself has an impact on the overall process of creation.

In many ways these events are part of the current quickening. Accelerating what has been initiated. The childhood formulas will soon disappear as the new emerges for all to see and experience.

Be present and be the observer rather than be caught in the headlines.”

This is a tremendous period for releasing anything that is holding you back from living life to its highest good. When you do, life will feel more optimistic, joyous and free for the first occasion in quite a while.

And Then Be The Observer

Should any challenge surface, do not view it as a problem. Instead it is there as an opportunity for you to purge something that is still restraining you. You attracted it in order to facilitate your growth and evolution — your soul´s purpose.

The more you appreciate every moment of your life, the greater is your consciousness. Which is why it is essential to observe rather than being embroiled in the event. Then you can recognise the feeling and so accept and release it rather than be distracted by it.

Any moments we do not love we cannot grow, rather we are resisting it. Hence my constant reminder to ensure there is fun and joy in your life.

This new moon is the last of six consecutive moons at 12º. In numerology, 12 represents creativity constrained by an unrelenting inner conflict. This arising from freedom requiring us to take back control of our life. Breaking away from being a victim whose life is controlled by others!

The storm underway is likely affecting your mood, your thought process, your sense of stability. It is though not yours!

March 2022 is a nine universal month — completion of a cycle. What events do we observe? As one cycle ends so another begins, providing us with the opportunity to initiate what we desire. Pisces also happens to be the final sign of the Zodiac!

The shadow of Pisces is to give your power away, which in many ways symbolises the last 2000 odd years. And such changes from being controlled to being free inevitably will generate resistance to accepting the new order.

Each of us is no longer beholden to the collective. We have our own identity which we can choose to join with the consciousness of the collective, or not.

Look Over Your Horizon

The magic of this new moon flows from it rising on 2nd of March in 2022. The number two resonates with partnership, teamwork, collaboration and co-existence. Balance and harmony between the Divine Feminine and Masculine within each of us, as opposed to control of one over the other.

With both Jupiter conjoining this new moon and Neptune also a few degrees away in Pisces, you may find your beliefs are changing. Perhaps opening to a greater truth. Letting go will help you align with this natural process to bring greater healing and love to your being.

The actions you take now will culminate near the full moon on 10th September, 2022. This lunation has some gorgeous aspects, most notably with the new moon arriving united with Jupiter, the planet of miracles and blessings.

5th March brings a rare event when the Sun and Jupiter will unite in the sky. This could be the luckiest day of the year. Plan something important, memorable, or significant to harness its greatest benefits.

Look toward the horizon to help you identify what more is available for you. Miracles could happen!

The next day Venus dashes into Aquarius for one month. It will bring with it unconventionality, a desire to express our love in unique and eccentric ways.

Also on 6th March, Mars enters Aquarius — Air feeding Fire! It will infuse your life with intellectual breakthroughs and opportunities to grow. We will also be entering a more social period, perhaps expanding your network?

The full moon in Virgo rises on 18th March. Conjunct Jupiter its purpose is to help us bring order to the details of our life. Finding ways to improve the rhythm and health in your routine and connections. To feel enriched from within as you embody peace in your life.

Connect To The Gifts Of This New Moon

It will help you know this is its source, not the external world. Some key themes for this transition were set out recently in another of my stories: “Why is Success so Elusive?”

To create harmony in your life you need to change your relationship with your ego. Rather than viewing it as your spiritual enemy within, learn to work with it. This will help you re-create your personal identify.

Yes, its prime function is to keep you safe, secure, and stable. As we leave behind what was, we all need to have clarity as to our new persona. Your ego will solidify it.

Two days later is the equinox and the start of the new Zodiac year. Aries encourages our independence, leadership, and passion to begin new journeys. A moment for renewal.

To connect with the gifts of this new moon, review your:

  • Dreams — what energies or feelings are appearing regularly in your dreams to be addressed?
  • Imagination — what creative energies are moving or flowing through you?
  • Feelings — are there any aspects of your life you need to notice, be sad about or grieve?

What would it mean for you to simply allow things to be as they are, to be and feel simply what is?

With this process of dissolution, you are allowing the light of your true essence to be more visible.

We have until Pluto goes retrograde at the end of April to complete this exercise. Before then you have the opportunity to plant the seeds for the life you desire.

Next month we enter the eclipse season, events can have a profound impact on your storyline and so your destiny. Be the observer.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Being The Observer


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.