Let Your Genius Set You Free To Live Your Life

Revere the inherent beauty of being human

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readFeb 28, 2021


Free Your Genius — Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash

The full moon in Virgo on the 27th is encouraging you to use your genius to be of service to something greater. How can you be a vehicle for a bigger purpose such as caring, compassion, love, or Spirit?

Taking a deep breath or being grounded and tuned in to the bigger picture before you start working on something can help you bring an extra spark of your genius, meaning and purpose to what you do.

The Virgo full moon is here to guide you. To give you the courage to flow with new circumstances and new realities; to engage with the future from a place of curiosity and optimism.

Be Present To Hear The Message

Each of us is being questioned just how successfully we have managed to integrate our spiritual/infinite selves with our earthly/physical selves. Our bodies are refined instruments that inform us how aligned we are with our soul´s mission.

Should your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bodies start to send the message of pain and dis-comfort, listen to it. Then ask what is the purpose of the message and make the change. For me they have been very persistent these past few months.

Virgo is the powerful grounding goddess energy that is firmly established and connected to Mother Earth. Her life-giving properties and energetic balancing power of Nature cannot be over-emphasised over the next two weeks.

Use this connection to stay present. My guidance is we will miss important clues and information that are critical to our survival if we focus too much on what might happen next. When we do so we are initiating it into creation, which may not be what we desire!

When we stay present we can absorb smaller bits of life to digest. This eases some of the pressure you might be experiencing in especially your digestive system. The simpler you make your life, the more digestible it becomes.

With the moon in Virgo, the Sun is in Pisces. It is the energy of spirituality, of connection to a bigger picture, and of interconnectedness and transcendent oneness. It is perfect for connecting to Spirit, your guides, the natural world, or dreams.

Virgo energy is working together with Pisces to help us embody and fulfil a bigger picture that gives meaning and purpose to each of our lives.

We are now moving into a space in our evolution where we are called to step-up and put into practice all that we know and feel ourselves to be.

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source adds further understanding:

you are writing at an interesting juncture. The new is arriving and yet the old has yet to leave! This mixing will last for some weeks, yet the new is becoming visible. Not with the detail many are seeking, yet they know it is the beginning of the new.

Soon you will find more and more are asking the same question as to the next step or steps to be taken. The form of the new is not only about structure, it is about the very essence of what it is to be human. The choices each of you take will create paths which you may wish to follow or not. Is this a parting of the ways for the different parts of humanity — no. Or, at least not yet. Some of the choices may lead to this outcome. How it will unfold is as yet unclear. Though it is an option.

The sense of the evolving human is to be more connected with each other and so with all of creation. This will allow manifesting to move at an even faster pace. Yes it has accelerated for everyone, though many are as yet unaware each of you create your own experiences and so the way you view the world.

What will be increasingly vital is to simplify your lives. Not to all become living on what you have grown, no this is an idyllic dream not a practical practice for the evolving human. What will become more important is to connect to the peace that is within each of you. That is where your passion and direction can be found.

Find Your Peace

It is from this peace you will discover all that is possible. Not only what you have already experienced. For to do so means little in the way of evolution. This will be the dividing line for all of humanity.

Continue to evolve or seek to remain the same. This is the choice each of you faces in every aspect of your life. Once you step into the new we can then support you in the process which unfolds for you.”

My suggestion is that anything which is a reminder of your past, of an old identity that you have outgrown, old attachments — let them go.

Guard against keeping anything in your environment you have had for a long time unless you truly love it. Ensure your environment is full of what fills you with love, joy, gratitude and beauty. It will assist your genius to flourish.

In focusing on the beauty around us we are being shown the way to forego our attachment to whatever is instilling fear or worry in our life. As a sign of personal transformation and reflection, Virgo is very much part of this creative cycle as she is ruled by Mercury.

Hence why the personal message at the moment is self-care. Showing love to yourself will be repaid multiple times during this period of transformation. Especially when you combine it with your inner peace. The point of creation within each of us.

The less you practice self-care, the more life and circumstances are going to force you into a corner. Self-care allows you to serve others and allows you to show up for Mother Earth, for your life, for your purpose.

This will be especially difficult for those who have built their life around caring for others.

Allow Your Genius To Flow

As we create what we focus on, the more balanced, calm and centred you are, the more balanced, calm and centred is going to be your world. And you will attract towards you.

Have you thought these past few months seem to have sped up? They have.

Just as we can manifest faster than ever before, so events are unfolding faster. Catch a current which you feel connected to, and when it no longer does so, switch currents. That will shift your timeline, and probably expose new wounds.

This is how your genius creates space to then integrate new awareness and so power. Even hopping across timelines to access the relevant experience.

Those born around 2000 or later will be especially sensitive in this year to this shift in energy. In large part this is because those over 20 are facing seismic shifts in terms of the life they had been conditioned to lead.

Mars working through Gemini is going to make 3rd March to 23rd April when the impulse to purchase is going to be high.

A last quarter Moon in Sagittarius rises on 6th March representing a full-circle of change, adaptability, and potent new beginnings. Last quarter moons are turning points. In 2020 this exact moon phase coincided with the beginning of lockdown, new restrictions and the dramatic changes that altered the course of our world.

Sagittarius, the sign of optimism and adventure, imbues this moon with positivity and hope for the future as we enter a new age of awareness.

Using our genius to help create a new era of life on Mother Earth. An era that reveres the inherent beauty of being human and chooses to evolve our human potential in alignment with Nature and Mother Earth.

Creation And Romance For All

An era of not knowing as we leave the mental paradigm where everything was planned in minute detail and scheduled days, months, or even years in advance. Rather following gut instinct and your heart.

Mercury´s retrograde shadow disappears on the 13th as the new moon in Pisces rises. Pisces is a creative dreamer. This one is especially creative and romantic with its alignment to Venus and Neptune. Venus and Neptune are approaching a conjunction in Pisces. There will be a sense we are growing and helping one another through sensitivity to our vulnerabilities.

This is the last of six consecutive new moons at 23º. They have tied together the ability to step out of drama into freedom of expression, movement and courage. As the cycle completes, it is your choice how to proceed.

Pisces is also the last sign in the zodiac before the new cycle begins with Aries. On 20th March we welcome the equal light and shadow of the spring and autumn equinox.

Then on the 28th the full moon rises in Libra. It will call us to re-examine relationships and to release us from the dynamics of co-dependency.

Daily Action:

  • Sit in silence in Nature or in front of your altar for 5–10 minutes a day. Your altar is simply something you place items on that are meaningful to you. Step back from the stories you and others are creating around you and be the observer of what is unfolding for you. Ask any question you may have as to the direction and await the answer.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this story to others you love.

To Freeing Your Genius


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

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Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.