The Challenge For All Is Where Is Your Optimal Path Leading You?

Three answers to know whether you are on your optimal path

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readNov 27, 2021


Feeling The Challenge? — Andrea de Santis, Unsplash

Feeling the challenge of all your habits, frameworks, mindsets, conditioning, etc.?

Myself and almost all connected to me, have been experiencing this challenge. There has been no apparent distinction as to whether they are ancestral, karmic, other lives and this life. All have been jumbled together.

Are The Cycles Of Your Life Continuing To Challenge?

The memories have been played out in dreams, revelations, sessions and sudden awareness. All are playing their part to bring into our conscious awareness the shadow we all carry.

What is essential is we acknowledge, see and name that which is within us all. The recent lunar eclipse challenging us to reconcile that awareness with the perceptions and beliefs we hold of ourselves — who we think we are or who believe we want to be.

For many this period is emotionally proving very challenging. Though as an observer, Nature offers to come to our rescue once again. All evolution, all growth, goes through cycles upon cycles upon cycles.

Every day is a cycle, the seasons give birth, grow, blossom, fruit, drop their seeds, die, hibernate, and birth again the following period. In some ways these cycles seemingly repeat, though are actually never the same.

For new beginnings or re-birthing, never start from the same place twice. Each cycle brings evolution and growth and therefore creates a new outcome, which in turn, moves the start point. On and on humanity, Mother Earth and the Cosmos evolve!

Such is the nature of all of Creation.

The two weeks between eclipses are always periods of heightened emotions, psychic awareness and intuitive insights.

Early on 4th December, the new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius occurs. As a fire sign, Sagittarius brings more change. As the archer, it is looking toward the future. Reminding us all first we must finish with the old. This eclipse also marks the end of the Sagittarius, Gemini series which began in 2020.

Their focus was education and communication of ideas, ideals. Sagittarius governs your ideals, your beliefs — the foundation blocks supporting how you view and interact with your world. Creating a sense of knowing your direction.

Three Answers To Know You Are On Your Optimal Path

During a solar eclipse, the Sun, our ego, is obscured by the shadow of the Moon. This is a cosmic reboot — an opportunity to redefine how you want to share your inner light. You must first go within.

This new moon eclipse has several important aspects to Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus. This combination will allow you to gain insights on conflicts you have been experiencing and discover solutions to enable you to create harmony in your life.

The new moon´s conjunction with Mercury will speed up your thought processes, enabling you to be more mentally alert, curious, and adaptable.

You will be able to leverage this to bring a vision for your future and share ideas with people connected to you.

Which will allow the foundation blocks of everything that you believed was you to pass, a period of grief and sadness is essential. Some have already experienced the full flow of this emotion.

As I have written before, the landing pad of humanity´s direction will be completed by 12th December.

Honest answers to these three questions will help you sense whether or not you are on the optimal path emerging for you:

  1. Are you at this moment — who you desire to be?
  2. What you dreamed you would be?
  3. Living your life as you desire to do?

Whatever emerges will require a choice to be made. Not deciding will drain your energy.

Making the choice frees you. Remember your mission in this life is not about what you do, it is about being who you ARE.

A sense of the transitionary nature of what is unfolding is evident in this latest Message from Source:

Message From Source

“A turning point or a way station? This is going to be the recurring question for you in the coming days and weeks. Whilst it will not last for months, it is going to be a pattern as the new arrives. The final choices are yet to be made and so the direction is not finally apparent. The sense though of the direction and the freedom it will bring for all is now being set in motion.

This will not at first be apparent as a great leap or even a small step. Know though it has been initiated. More will become apparent over the coming days. Plus there will be a sense of a pushback against towards freedom. Not one taken lightly, or as the result of major events. Rather an individual knowing which is creating a sense of direction for all.

One which will build momentum build momentum very quickly and challenge even more the established order. Which will in turn lead to greater re-structuring of what unfolds for all.

The pace of this change will accelerate as you pass through the coming portal on 12:12 and then the solution. These are waypoints marking the transition which is underway. They are not objectives or outcomes in themselves. That depends on the choices you continue to make. For this is a never-ending cycle of creation. One which will bring a new era into being. Which will in turn accelerate the re-structuring which is underway.

Allow yourselves to be present and note how you feel. This is where you create your experience of fear. Hence the need to be mindful of what you focus on.”

Do Not Make Your Problems Smaller

On 13th December, Mars moves into Sagittarius until 24th January 2022. This will enable your ambition to soar. It will also boost entrepreneurship — particularly those micro and small business with bold new teaching projects.

The same day, Mercury moves into Capricorn. Helping you to develop a strategy for your business as well as negotiate any terms.

Six days later, Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn. Venus governs love and money — all that you desire to attract. Lasting 40 days, this retrograde is longer than usual and offers you the opportunity to re-evaluate your values, self-worth and relationships.

Providing an important moment to pause, step back and really review the state of your relationships with business partners (formal or informal), vendors, staff, creative collaborations etc..

Do your objectives, values and approaches align as much as you initially thought they would? Are there assumptions or expectations bubbling below the surface preventing stable, collaborative growth?

You can learn more about the role of the sacral chakra in relationships and money troubles:

You are being asked to ensure a firm basis exists to create a fulfilling 2022. So, whilst what you will experience will feel exciting, it will also be uncomfortable.

The temptation when you face such a challenge is to try to make these problems smaller. This though can result in a focus on addressing symptoms and not causes as you remain in the land of tips and tactics.

The antidote to which is in this quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower:

“Whenever I run into a problem I can’t solve, I always make it bigger. I can never solve it by trying to make it smaller, but if I make it big enough I can begin to see the outlines of a solution.”

Saturn And Uranus Dismantle The Status Quo

Broadening your challenge means noting the innovative solutions which come from viewing it from a grander perspective. Seeing it with fresh eyes, opening the way to new creative awareness.

During 2022 every planet will be retrograde at one point or another. Meaning it will be a year of learning various lessons, particularly with regard to what is sustainable in love and money. It is not a period for risk taking, rather committing more deeply to your relationships.

21st December brings the solstice. Three days later comes the third and final square between Saturn, representing what was, and Uranus, our work, to dismantle our inner and outer status quo´s.

These squares have been preparing us for a major energy shift that occurs as Mother Earth enters 2022. Moving into the divine feminine energy of water as we shift into the year of the Water Tiger on 1st February 2022.

Mother Earth and its Galaxy are transiting from the cycle of Pisces to Aquarius. Saturn as the lord of time and karma controls our third dimensional aspects of rules, boundaries, restriction and structures.

The Great Awakener Uranus is all about freedom, expansion, individuality, and sudden changes that affect all of humanity. Its fifth dimensional energy could be expressed through revolution or rebellion, expanded consciousness, personal growth, and creative expression.

The exact nature depends on the choices each of us makes.

2022 will be a year of major transformation as well as bring many positive developments — including deeper connection to the Creator. As a 6 Universal year, it embraces, nurtures and enhances love and abundance.

All will assist you to make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Walking Your Optimal Path


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aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.