Life is full of scary stuff.

I don’t like fear. In fact, I despise it. There are times when it’s reasonable and appropriate – even life-saving. Most of time, however, the terrors I entertain in my brain only lock me down and keep me from engaging fully in life and relationships.

Recently we had a scare in our family. Our 15 year-old son, Aaron, was diagnosed with a rare cancer. This launched our family into four months of hyper-drive. Gratefully, all the outcomes were good. The process, however, had its share of terrifying uncertainty. I learned a lot. 

In reflecting on this, I recalled other scary stuff in my past. Childhood sexual abuse. The volatility of my home environment. My mom drifting into mental illness and delusional living. A good friend in 7th grade dying over Christmas break.

My parents separation and divorce. My dad’s sudden death, right in front of me. My mom’s suicide attempt. Me living alone and under the societal radar.

Mom dropping me off at a friend’s house and disappearing. Becoming an orphan. Entering a new family, not knowing what life was going to be like.

And then I turned 16.

Scary. Lots of scary. And lots more scary after that too.

I’m facing scary stuff now. I know you are too.

What will happen? Who are we now, and who will we be? How will this or that work out? What do we do next?


Fear is exhausting. How we handle it matters. Sharing what we’re afraid of can help.

So, I’m inviting you to share your fears today. Go to the comment box below. Express your hidden terrors.

Be honest. Let it out. I’m listening.

Loss shakes us. The grief process can be full of worry and fear. If you’re scared, welcome. You’re part of this club of grieving hearts. We’ll take you, as you are, with all the mess.

Over time, may there be less fear and more peace.

Question: Would you be willing to share your fears? Go to the comment box below. We’ll all benefit. Glad to be in this with you. 



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