Army releases recruitment advertisement featuring lesbian wedding


The U.S. Army released an animated advertisement featuring a girl raised by two mothers, who marched in pride parades.

The advertisement, titled Emma|The Calling, showed a girl’s childhood before she joined the Army as a Patriot Missile operator. The two-minute video followed Emma while she watched her two mothers get married, joined a sorority at the University of California-Davis, and fought for “freedom” at a young age by participating in a gay rights parade.

“It begins in California with a little girl raised by two moms. Although I had a fairly typical childhood, took ballet, played violin, I also marched for equality. I like to think I’ve been defending freedom from an early age,” she said in the advertisement, which was posted to YouTube on May 4.

“When I was 6 years old, one of my moms had an accident that left her paralyzed,” she continued. “Doctors said she might never walk again, but she tapped into my family’s pride to get back on her feet, eventually standing at the altar to marry my other mom.”


The advertisement was released as similar recruiting methods were employed by the Central Intelligence Agency over the past few weeks, drawing criticism on social media.

“Growing up gay in a small Southern town, I was lucky to have a wonderful and accepting family. I always struggled with the idea that I may not be able to discuss my personal life at work,” said a man in one of the agency’s advertisements. “Imagine my surprise when I was taking my oath at CIA and I noticed a rainbow on then-Director Brennan’s lanyard.”

“I remember being stunned,” the man continued, adding that “inclusion is a core value here [at the CIA].”

The advertisement is the latest in a series called “Humans of CIA.”

“I am a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise,” said a woman in a previous advertisement.

“I did not sneak into the CIA,” she added. “I earned my way in, and I earned my way up the ranks.”

The video series was slammed by high-profile lawmakers, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.


“If you’re a Chinese communist, or an Iranian Mullah, or Kim Jong Un … would this scare you?” Cruz wrote on May 3. “We’ve come a long way from Jason Bourne.”

Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn said on May 4 that the CIA “needs to be focused on intelligence-gathering and recruiting the best and brightest. We can’t afford to risk our national security and waste resources to pander to the Left’s divisive rhetoric.”

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