Virus Scam / The Virus Germ Theory Lie

We know that a virus has never been isolated, identified or shown to exist. We know that no experiment ever has been able to show that disease can be “transmitted” between living organisms. The Germ and Virus Theory is a scam, backed by Rockefeller and their fraudulent ‘Modern Medicine’. More than 200+ institutions around the world has been asked, through the Freedom of Information Act, to provide proof of one single virus. So far, no one has been able to provide any proof at all.
And if viruses were real, and if Covid-19 was real, any Martial Arts studio with grappling and wrestling would be ground zero for any outbreak and every fighter would be sick or dead. Not to mention credit-card keypads in shops. But people are too dumbed-down to think with any kind of logic…

Informative links:

World Stage: Non-Existing Bird Flu Fearmongering

After the staged and utterly fake Coronavirus Plan-demic, people of at least average intelligence should have figured out by now that viruses do not exist, that contagion is a lie, that living organisms cannot infect each other with disease. And thus, people of at least average intelligence should immediately see that this ongoing “Bird Flu” psy-op is nothing more than a lie, that it’s complete and utter bollocks! While the news and the media […]

World Stage: Non-Existing Bird Flu Fearmongering Read the Full Article »

Fear Mongering: Tuberculosis Cases on the Rise and More on Bacteria and Diseases

On March 29, 2024, Fox News published a piece of fear mongering on a detoxification/healing state that is called ‘Tuberculosis’ by the corrupt and fraudulent medical establishment. According to CDC, the overall cases of “Tuberculosis” increased from 8,320 in 2022 to 9,615 in 2023, an increase of 1,295 cases. Also, according to their made-up pseudo-science, an estimated 85% of the people counted in 2023 were “infected” at least a year or two earlier and

Fear Mongering: Tuberculosis Cases on the Rise and More on Bacteria and Diseases Read the Full Article »

Reminder! Herbs, Natural Remedies, Drugs and The Disease Scam

I still see the cognitive dissonance among “truth seekers,” who use different herbs, colloidal silver, or even the extremely toxic Ivermectin, as soon as they experience symptoms of “illness” or “disease,” so this very important topic needs to be addressed once again. While I did cover this subject in my “Loss of Taste, Smell, Appetite, and Vomiting – All Natural Symptoms of Healing — And Why You Cannot Cure a Disease,” “More on Disease

Reminder! Herbs, Natural Remedies, Drugs and The Disease Scam Read the Full Article »

What to do When Your Body go Through a Detoxification Cycle

Today we return to the Big-Pharma shill-website know as ‘Healthline,’ and a recent article they posted called, “12 Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery.”As for this article, this subject is too important to hold anything back, so be prepared for some tough love. After the extremely obvious staged Covid-19 psy-op and ritual, more people should be questioning all the bullshit they’ve been spoon-fed throughout their lives, especially everything concerning the made-up “science” of Virology

What to do When Your Body go Through a Detoxification Cycle Read the Full Article »

Dangerous Misinformation – This Will Make You Sick!

One of the most visited “health” websites on the Interwebs, ‘Healthline,’ recently posted an article on “6 Tips to Keep Your Home Clean and Germ-Free This Winter.” Actually, Healthline Media, who raised $95 million through investment firm Summit Partners in 2016 and was acquired by media company Red Ventures in 2019, is simply an extension of governmental medical propaganda – as in misinformation and representing the pseudo-science of “modern medicine,” something that is anti-health

Dangerous Misinformation – This Will Make You Sick! Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 19

While we had the predictive programming of a ‘virus pandemic’ during the tabletop exercise ‘Clade X’ in 2018, we had another ‘pandemic’ ritual in 2019 with Event 201. Event 201 was a follow-up to Clade X organized by Johns Hopkins once again, and this time in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This high-level pandemic exercise called Event 201 was held on October 19, 2019, exactly 201-days

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 19 Read the Full Article »

Baby Truthers are Butthurt over Buttar and Other Shills

Most truthers with some kind of discernment and skill in pattern recognition called out the staged and alleged death of Rashid Buttar and him being controlled opposition and a lying bastard. Still, many gullible baby truthers with zero discernment tried to defend him and the other disinformation agents in the collaboration-group known as the ‘disinformation dozen’ that he was a part of. Note: the ‘disinformation dozen’ is what the media calls them, it’s not

Baby Truthers are Butthurt over Buttar and Other Shills Read the Full Article »

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

On May 22, during the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, the head of the World Health Organization warned that the world must prepare for the next pandemic, which could be “even deadlier” than the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, anyone with a brain now knows that the COVID-19 pandemic was staged, that it was totally faked. This is a no-brainer as contagion, the alleged transmission of “disease,” has been debunked for over 100 years.

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Read the Full Article »

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