Want To Create Your Unlimited Future? Free Yourself Of Old Blocks And Patterns

Four questions to help you create it

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
8 min readMay 7, 2022


Creating Your Unlimited Future — Photo by pure julia on Unsplash

Have you felt change in the air as we move through this eclipse season? We are being led to be in the flow of creating our unlimited future. To leave behind thoughts on what and how life must be based on your old beliefs, habits and patterns.

This has been confirmed to me almost every day since my eye surgery last week. No longer do I need to find my glasses case or push up my glasses to improve my vision. My self-image is adapting as the beliefs, habits and patterns drop away.

Then we will be able to view beyond our current horizon. The partial solar eclipse in Taurus on 30th April was four hours long, meaning it began a four year cycle of growth. The influence of Taurus suggests growth will be in the form of slow, steady steps to nurture your garden of dreams, and abundance blooming slowly and steadily.

Surrender To Your Status Quo Departing

The grounded nature of Taurus is also calling us back to Nature, to be reminded of the simple pleasures of life. To do so requires us to create space to observe, to ‘smell the roses’ and enjoy the beauty Mother Earth provides us in every moment.

We are therefore being encouraged to embrace you are much more than just a person ‘in’ this world, rather you are a soul ‘of’ this world with an unlimited future. A theme that continues through the 18 months of this Taurus-Scorpio eclipse portal.

Scorpio induces transformation, and Taurus has us take meaningful, grounded and deliberate steps toward transformation. Which requires clearing away the resistance of established beliefs, habits and patterns.

The purpose — to create a different perspective, way of seeing life, being in relationship to life.

The previous Gemini-Sagittarius pairing is renowned for highlighting polarity. No matter whether it was politics, human rights, COVID or even truth, polarity was ever present during that period.

This particular Taurus-Scorpio eclipse series marks the end of a cycle which began in the years 2002 to 2005, reaching its mid-point from 2012 to 2015. Do not be surprised if events from these periods surface seeking to be acknowledged. This is part of the healing process which is underway.

Many astrologers believe eclipses speed up time and expedite events that were fated to occur, so upsetting our current reality. Which allows the new to then be created, rather than maintaining your status quo.

Many recent conversations have had a theme of past experiences which have established present-day realities. Neither good nor bad, they simply occurred. In most cases, bringing a lesson to be learnt.

My advice has been to accept, thank and let go the emotion around the event.

What Is Emerging?

Opening the door to your unlimited future by choosing to take the next step on our dynamic healing journey of evolution.

Over the coming 18 months, expect continuing volatility in finances and markets — notice the slump days after the solar eclipse? Continuing significant changes in our transaction processes.

During this past year we have noticed locally more vegetable plots coming back into operation. To me this is an indicator the way we source our food, or the food systems we have relied upon are in the process of transition. They may even crumble, leading to new and innovative ways of food production.

Health systems will also begin to transform, as more people take back responsibility for their physical bodies. Expectations around work and what it means will continue to change. Generating income from a place of passion, rather than a societal expectation.

Through it all there will be a yearning for the pleasure of human interaction and connection. This though is not the moment to seek to force events to happen. Surrender to the mystery of what is unfolding.

Which reminds me of these words by Margaret Wheatley:

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about”.

Whether you perceive it as something not feeling right, are struggling to gain a clear vision of the future, or uncertainty is leading you to question anything and everything, transition is afoot. Hence my question to you — “Are You Willing To Engage With The Choices Unfolding For Your Life?”

Uranus plays a big role in this new moon eclipse and most others this year — expect to be awakened!

In numerology, May 2022 is an 11 Universal month. A master number, 11 is seeking to teach you how to bring spiritual mastery to your life.

Message From Source

In essence this requires each of us to be free of any karma or other restrictions on how our life can evolve.

The latest Message from Source provides a reminder on our part in the process of creation which is underway:

“The Light is accelerating the creation of the new across all of Creation. Is this a period of unprecedented change, No — only it is the one you are experiencing. The human population on Mother Earth is also experiencing a series of emotional shocks. Which cannot be compared to earlier physical shocks. These have yet to occur, though they will as the transition required is resisted.

This is not to be viewed as a threat, rather it is an observation as to what has occurred previously.

This period of transition will be no different, only the resources to hand differ. Some of these further shocks will take place later this year. Though the major ones are still far away as Mother Earth continues to adjust.

There will be further shocks though to the systems which humanity has come to rely on rather than taking personal responsibility for what is being created.

What will be emerging from now on is an acceleration in creative solutions which require fewer physical resources. This will soon become apparent as new products and services emerge to support the transition.

These creative souls are the ones who are creating the new direction for humanity and so Mother Earth. There will be exciting moments ahead for those who observe what is unfolding. Understanding their dreams and actions are what is creating the New Earth. It is the purpose of all to participate in the process. All dreams are part of the process of creation. Which is why tomorrow will always differ from today.”

Innovation Is Required To Create Your Unlimited Future

10th May Jupiter moves from Pisces, where it has been expanding access to our own intuition, psychic abilities, and soulful gifts. Arriving in Aries, the initiator will encourage you to take that leap of faith and act upon your spiritual guidance.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is about having the courage and optimism to dive into new beginnings, opportunities and ventures. Taking responsibility for creating your unlimited future.

Until April 2027, the wounded healer Chiron is also transiting through Aries. Jupiter flips back into Pisces from 28th October before returning to Aries on 20th December 2022, where it will remain until mid-May 2023.

Meaning May to October 2022 provides the opportunity to bring healing/expansion to whatever events happened in your life when Jupiter was last in Aries — 2011. What did you plant in that period, what awareness are you now able to transform into wisdom?

Jupiter in Aries provides confidence to create new experiences, using your own genius to do so. It offers great fortune and abundance — when you make the leap! Leadership will be especially enhanced for those who have this natural ability. Expect several new leaders to emerge, setting the tone for the years until Jupiter returns here in 2034.

Also on 10th May, Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini and then switches to Taurus on the 22nd. Finally moving direct on 3rd June, the shadow continuing until 18th June. Whilst in Gemini, speaking out is encouraged so the ideal period for recording. Moving into Taurus brings a call to slow down, reviewing all your plans, timelines etc..

This will be a crucial part of the process of creating your unlimited future. Many recent conversations have indicated people feel overwhelmed and unsure in the vastness of the unlimited possibility of what we can create.

Four Questions To Help Create Your Unlimited Future

I know myself I have felt challenged on several occasions to define my creative space. It has taken practice to create without resistance. Acting consciously with alignment so as not to inadvertently create something different than what was intended.

The key has been to not resist, rather to be in the flow of creation. Why, because resistance is a creative energy. Focus on it and that is what is created.

We want to be consciously choosing what we appreciate. Reflect on what you are grateful for, what you value, what you find beautiful. Not blaming others or resisting changes in your status quo.

Take a few moments to remind yourself of your intention to live on a Mother Earth where all its inhabitants are safe, sustained, nourished, loved and supported, choosing their own direction. Acknowledging each of us is a vital piece of the puzzle of humanity.

Then search for evidence this already exists and put your focus on it. Which makes this a good moment to ask what:

  • Is really important to your soul?
  • Does your soul need and want?
  • Is your soul curious about?
  • Old ways of being are restricting you and need to be released?

The answers will help you prepare for the intense energies of the upcoming full moon total lunar eclipse in Scorpio on 16th May. Its energy of destined endings, turning points, and achievements is already building. As a water sign, expect some wild revelations and unveilings, some may not be pleasant.

When pain or dis-comfort appears, remember it is a signal from your body something needs addressing. This article will help you identify the emotion of cause.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Creating Your Unlimited Future


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at shamanicceo.com.



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.