What Is NOT Working In Your Life, Personal And Business?

Seven steps to identify your soul´s desires

Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
8 min readDec 23, 2021


What Is Not Working In Your Life? — Bernard Hermant, Unsplash

Have these closing days on 2021 brought confrontation with what is NOT working in your relationships, finances, career and business practices?

The same light is shining on what is NOT working in society — government, corporations, traditions, patriarchal institutions and dogmas. All indicating we are in a period of transition as our habits, frameworks, mindsets and conditioning are challenged.

Ambitious Objectives Are Needed To Create Your Future

That said, we are having to confront our resistance to such change! Our default is usually to what is easy, familiar, safe, secure or expected of us — rather than living from our truth and our values. Hence why the transition feels intense.

Once you choose to allow such resistance to pass on, that will be the moment to start taking action to de-construct, re-construct, dissolve and/or reform ALL the foundations of your life.

I am writing this on the December solstice. The only occasion this century that both solstices — 21st June and 21st December — activate a double 21:21 code of truth and joy. A wonderful herald to the coming year.

These numbers reduce to the number 3 — symbol of joy, self-expression, play and fun, creativity, flexibility, beauty and social connection.

The 21st was also the beginning of Capricorn’s season. It is ruled by Saturn, the planet of commitment, limitations, and determination.

We are being encouraged to set ambitious objectives and achieve them with enthusiasm to create our future. As the Earth energy is at play, all signs point to achievement, dedication and duty.

Capricorn will also heighten your awareness of those aspects that no longer serve your mission in this life. Enabling you to naturally manage your energy and not waste it on distracting activities and procrastination.

To change from a lower vibrational frequency to a higher one, you must first be vibrating at the rate of the higher frequency. Otherwise you will not be able to receive it in physical form.

For it is essential that, whatever appears in your life you appreciate it — however difficult.

When you acknowledge and appreciate a low frequency without pushing it away, without judging it, you neutralise its charge. Then it no longer has any power to restrict you.

All You Know Is Past Its Sell-by Date

This is how life becomes an adventure as you play with frequency, enjoy expressing yourself creatively — and have fun!

The landing pad of humanity´s direction was completed on 10th December, you may have noticed events starting to move again around then. For me pieces of paper, people, events, activities and decisions relating to the past began surfacing so the slate could be cleaned.

Should this be accompanied by a stirring in your heart, a fire in your belly, or a pervasive feeling of frustration, or perhaps even anger, you are exactly where your soul desires you to be.

That unexplored “something” is trying to emerge. In your 40s, 50s, and beyond, we are better prepared to express our mission

…where we perceive every aspect of life as essential to our growth and awakening.

A fifth as opposed to third dimension view of our life.

The Law of Attraction, affirmations, vision boards, and other forms of prayer and meditation may no longer yield the “answers” you are now seeking. These tools are past their sell by date when compared to the spiritual connection you have allowed.

Rather than creating a mental picture of what you are seeking, you radiate it because your consciousness is guiding you from your full potential. What is seeking to emerge is outside your present paradigm, beyond your imagination.

The memories have been played out in dreams, revelations, sessions and sudden awareness. All are playing their part to bring into your conscious awareness the shadow we all carry.

What is essential is we acknowledge, see and name that which is within us all. The recent lunar eclipse challenging us to reconcile that awareness with the perceptions and beliefs we hold of ourselves — who we think we are or who believe we want to be.

Message From Source

A sense of the nature of the momentum that is building and the actions for us to take is evident in this latest Message from Source:

“The direction is now clear, as are the choices for each of you. You may not be consciously aware of their nature, though sense what they are. The choices are ones which will intensify at the beginning of this period and only ease once the impetus has been gathered.

For some may view the period as one of acceleration. To us it is more a straightening of the path. Yes, the energy still flows rather than moves in a straight line. The nature of the choices made mean it will flow more consistently and easily. For no longer will many of the existing paradigms be restraining the flow. This is how evolution continues. Fits and starts as it makes the transition and then more easily once it arrives in the new. Which will in turn become the old.

The era which is emerging will do so more succinctly than previous occasions. The task now is to focus on the internal change each of you need to make. Not doing so will only provide painful reminders to make your choice.

A choice which needs to come from your inner wisdom rather than linear thinking. Especially as more options than existed before will be available. Hence the need to “think out of the box”! The box which is full of your own learned behaviours and patterns. Now more than simply new avenues to explore are available.

Personal And Collective Transition Is Underway

By the very nature of creation, the options are now without limitation. Only what you imagine is the limitation. Hence the need to connect and follow your inner wisdom. That accesses the unlimited possibilities which are now available for each of you to explore. The act of doing so will in turn accelerate the experience which is underway. Which in turn initiates more expansion. This is the essence of the new era.

Freedom to explore with curiosity of where it might lead rather than a known end. The fascination will return to the nature of the journey rather than the outcome, which becomes limited as soon as it is claimed. The ebb and flow is what to focus on. That is where true creation occurs, initiating the new rather than re-cycling the old. In this way old patterns and games will soon pass over as the excitement of the new possibilities grabs attention.”

Making these choices will create in the coming years a collective grief of what has passed. Which will assist humanity´s awakening to the evolution underway.

Meaning personally and collectively transformation will be the essence of the next three years. This is how revolutionary changemakers will create beyond what currently exists, particularly in 2023 and 2024.

Which will move humanity beyond the limits of the current stories to focus on personal fulfilment. The objective being to enable each of us accept responsibility for our life and its direction. All of Creation ensuring events guide you to the path of your soul´s mission.

2022 will require each of us maintains our own strength to help us do so. New patterns and rhythms will be necessary for each of us to integrate into our lives.

Seven Steps To Identify Your Soul´s Desires

Their fifth dimensional energy being expressed through revolution or rebellion, expanded consciousness, personal growth, and creative expression.

They will enable us to observe all the different aspects of life without judging that which is in the light or in shadow. It is also probable our strength in terms of commitment and to our values will be tested more than once.

On 3rd January the comet Leonard arrives on her 70,000 year journey at her closest position to the Sun. She is a manifestation of the Divine Feminine and the Goddess, infusing our Sun with her light. Enabling the Light to return to the vibration it was in the Atlantean age.

In so doing it will shake the fabric of the worlds of many. Collaboration and love being at the core of our strength in 2022.

Who are you willing to allow yourself to become? The answer comes from your Inner Wisdom.

One process to help you identify what your soul desires is to:

  1. Close your eyes and relax.
  2. Imagine a beautiful flame warming your heart and soul. Feel its purifying and healing light burning away your fears and doubts, healing your body and mind, clearing away all imagined obstacles, imagined or real.
  3. Feel your heart as an endless space full of only love and light, feel its peace.
  4. Connect with your heart and ask what is it seeking?
  5. When it brings a tear to your eye you will know it is the truth of your Inner Wisdom.
  6. Ask what is the first step to make to create it in your world.
  7. Take action and trust what unfolds.

Take the opportunity to view what emerges with fresh eyes. This will open the way to new creative awareness.

Which will help you feel and see through the coming world events and changes in society, however unlikely, to comprehend their truth. Humanity´s rising consciousness over the next three years ensuring you will view them differently.

Change What Is Not Working In Your Life

Light and shadow will play out together as they are both part of the oneness of all of Creation, including ourselves.

For each of us though, I am minded to repeat this extract from Message From Source:

“connect and follow your inner wisdom. That accesses the unlimited possibilities which are now available for each of you to explore. The act of doing so will in turn accelerate the experience which is underway. Which in turn initiates more expansion. This is the essence of the new era.”

Guidance on steps to take to help you do so are outlined toward the end of this story.

The exact nature of what unfolds depends on the choices each of us makes. Though will we need to be shaken, stirred or make the choice of our own volition? This is the only way to change what is not working in your life.

Each choice will assist you to make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts as you have fun and joy.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Leaving Behind What Is Not Working In Your Life


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.