Gregory Reece-Smith
Published in
7 min readMar 9, 2022



Are Balance And Harmony Essential For You To Enjoy Your Life?

Three steps to help create harmony in your life

Balance And Harmony — Photo by Chris Linnett on Unsplash

Do you feel the joy of balance and harmony in your life?

Or, do you believe it has passed you by?

Perhaps there have been harmonious moments, though you do not seem to be able to maintain its steady enjoyable state?

What do feel about balance and harmony, is it important? Does it have any relevance in your life?

Ready For Your Last Great Challenge?

Can it even exist when the world around us seems determined to ensure balance and harmony has no place in our lives?

What if instead, we flipped our thinking and wondered if this state of uncertainty is given to us as a challenge?

To ensure we dig into and identify our own sense of what is important to each of us.

Many, including myself, have written about how our soul´s purpose is to evolve through personal growth. Individually and collectively challenges appear, so providing an opportunity for us to learn. What if now this uncertainty, worldwide and within each of us, is actually one last great challenge for all of us and so mankind as a whole?

I have also noticed recently that what once were red lines to implementing longer-term plans, have shifted almost overnight. What was once deemed politically impossible or unacceptable has suddenly become policy.

One example is fossil fuels. Yes, the “reason” might be to deny Russia revenue, though the impact will be far wider. It is likely to accelerate the move to alternatives and bring forth new technologies. Creating sustainable collaboration with Mother Earth´s resources rather than just exploiting them.

Similar red lines have also disappeared for clients. Suggesting making any medium or long-term plans is becoming less possible. Instead, recognize the short-term objectives of synchronicities. For when they emerge is when balance and harmony often follow.

For some, the clarity of where they are heading has become lost in swirling fog. This is akin to following a new path that is heading towards a bend and you cannot see what is beyond.

The Messages From Your Body

It is as though we are being gradually conditioned to be more and more in the present moment — the Now. The past no longer holds us and the future has yet to emerge.

We accept the uncertainty of not knowing, rather becoming curious as to what will emerge from the limitless range of possibilities.

To achieve what Napoleon Hill suggested as:

“One must marry one’s feelings to one’s beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one’s life.”

My experience is that when there is disharmony in your life, it will be exhibited somewhere in your body. Hence my refrain of “listen to the messages from your body”.

For when energy flows freely through our body we enjoy a vibrant healthy life. When there is a blockage, pain, and discomfort are felt. Indicating balance and harmony are no longer present.

Usually, the root is in something we believe about ourselves, our life, and their direction.

The beliefs could have been created in early childhood, another life, or inherited through our ancestral lineage.

This is why humans are the species most resistant to change!

We record every event and experience so that we know how to react when what is recorded as dangerous re-appears. For this reason, we pay 10x more attention to negative news than to positive news.

Interpreting the body’s energy — its signals — is at the core of the most ancient medical practices and beliefs. This includes the traditional medicine of India (Ayurveda), that of China, and the indigenous peoples’ shamanic practices.

These practices work on the premise that our energy always seeks to create balance and harmony in spite of what we do to ourselves emotionally and physically.

Message From Source

This latest Message from Source indicates the importance of being the observer of what is emerging:

“We trust you are observing how events are unfolding in unexpected ways. The new is emerging faster and with more coherence than any would have thought possible. Continue to observe as more “unexpected” events will be unfolding over the coming weeks. Old allegiances will subside and be replaced by new ones built on stronger though different foundations. This is how the new era will continue to emerge. Will it be completed in seven days — No. For it will take longer than that for the new allegiances to be formed and co-operation to begin.

´All is happening for a reason´ as you have all heard on many occasions, though how many of you believe or accept that to be the case? This period of transition will bring forth many new approaches and understanding of what is truly possible, as opposed to what has been experienced before. Maintain your own inner work and that will assist you to be more the observer and so be able to note the emerging themes.

Many of those have not been experienced in your recent history and so will seem new and revolutionary. Though in truth they will be what has been hidden for aeons and is now shedding its dust to become known again.

To assist each of you to navigate the transition in the gentlest manner, be at peace within. Concern yourselves not about what is emerging. What appears will not be the result of a plan any of you set out. Rather take each moment and in that space state what it is you desire. Then observe what unfolds, and enjoy it!”

Surrendering to the process is our only option. Accepting a feeling of total uncertainty.

Three Steps To Create Harmony In Your Life

Not judging others because they seem to be different. Rather align your life with your own values, not those of others.

Here are three steps to guide you to do so:

  1. You alone decide what your life looks like. Many spend their lives trying to meet the expectations of others. Be they parents, friends, or colleagues. It is your life, not theirs. Only you can define what success means to you. Focus your life on meeting that rather than what you believe are the expectations of others.
  2. Define your objectives and priorities. You are in the driver’s seat of your own life. So clearly define the objectives and priorities that matter to YOU. There are no right or wrong answers, only be honest with yourself: What do you really want your life to feel like?
  3. Be curious, creative, and integrate your life. Once you accept there are no restrictions as to how you live your life, you will be surprised how balanced and harmony can appear. Allow yourself to be guided. Dismiss nothing until you have decided if it feels a good fit or not with your objectives and priorities.

Finding balance and harmony will help you gain more peace of mind, tranquility, and equilibrium. Which will help you perform more to your full potential in whatever you choose.

In “Observe The Transition. Are You Focused On The Headlines Or Creating Your Desires?I have set out why this current period is a tremendous one for releasing anything that is holding you back from living life to its highest potential.

Maintaining Balance And Harmony In Your Life

Balance and harmony are key to your happiness.

Without balance in your life, you will probably find it difficult to find peace of mind and fulfillment.

Without harmony in your relationships, your mindset, your work… your happiness will suffer.

Reaching a state of balance is accepting life as it is, not judging anything or anyone. To reach balance means shifting your mindset to be in a state of acceptance as well as evolution.

Balance is simply a state of mind. As such it actually helps us enjoy life.

Harmony is reached when you accept everything in your life happens for a reason. This does not mean you must include all you do not desire. Rather in order to be in a state of harmony, where the body, mind, and soul function as one, you have to accept life as it is.

Ask yourself are you having fun and joy in your life? When you are, you are aligned with your soul and its desires. The more content and at peace you are, the more aligned are your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual bodies.

Remember your balance and harmony only come from within you.

The key to reconnecting with that inner sense of harmony, of connection with your true nature, is to:

  1. STOP: observe the thoughts creating im-balance and stop engaging with them.
  2. DIS-CONNECT: from the thoughts taking you out of balance, know it is just a thought causing im-balance and dis-harmony.
  3. RE-CONNECT: with your inner state of wellbeing, your true nature. Practice breathing, meditation, mindfulness, be in nature, prayers, whatever it is you use to connect with that deeper part of you, your soul and so the Creator.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and need some help to align and fulfill their life.

To Living Your Life Of Balance And Harmony


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator, International Best-Selling Author, and Shaman. My diverse background includes being the CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as international executive teams such as IKEA.

My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “Success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Using my awareness and connection as a Shaman to free their soul and values so they can accelerate their life and business.

To assist you to shift your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More insights are at



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.