Are you wondering how to use EFT tapping for your family pet? Or are you looking for a natural, holistic treatment method for cancer tumors? Then read on to see how I answered an email from Maryann asking: My daughter’s dog has a tumor and would EFT help the dog? Do you have other info for different things going on in the body that need healing?

Hi Maryann, When addressing cancer in your dog or other animal – or even a human, EFT is a safe, natural way to help.

First, when tapping for anyone other than yourself, it’s important to first tap FOR yourself so you are more emotionally grounded and clearer about what the other person (or the animal) is experiencing.

You – or your daughter – can do some EFT tapping around your emotional responses about the cancer diagnosis, the symptoms, and the treatments.

Then you can either tap on yourself as a “surrogate” for the dog or tap directly on the dog.

Read more about surrogate tapping at


When tapping on a dog, whether for cancer tumors or anything else, here’s a few things to keep in mind:

1) Dogs are like little children – they have short attention spans, they respond to energy work a lot quicker than us adults, and they will let us know when THEY are done by moving away. So be ready for short sessions; that’s OK.

2) Be sure not to cause any pain by tapping on the dog anywhere that causes them pain, especially if they show any discomfort around a tumor.

3) Don’t be so concerned about getting the “right” point. Your intention has a lot more to do with tapping than you realize.

4) Some animals don’t like “tapping” and respond better to massaging, pressing on, or scratching the points.

Spinal Tap For Dogs 5) If you tap (or use acupressure) on the traditional EFT points, the “chin” point on dogs is underneath their chin, not under the bottom lip.

The human’s “top  of the head” point is on dogs along the back in  the spot between where the tailbone meets the tail. And dogs have no “collarbone” so just massage where the collarbone points would be.

6) An alternate  method is to tap  along both sides of  the spine, up and  down the spine a few  times while  repeating the EFT  language.

The bladder meridian travels along both sides of the spine, and acupoints along this meridian “associate” or affect all the other meridians.

(NOTE: This also works on humans too).


For yourself (or your daughter):

1) Think of when you heard the cancer diagnosis and what you felt or thought.

2) Any fears or anxieties you have about what the dog is going through.

3) Any fears or anxieties about making (the right) decisions on how to treat the dog for the tumor.

4) Any fears or anxieties you have about losing the dog to the cancer.

For the dog:

You can either tap in the first person as the dog imagining what is going on (Even though I have this pain in my hip from the tumor and it really bothers me to walk…) or in the third person explaining what is going on with your dog (Even though Rover had this pain in his hip from the tumor and it really bothers him especially when he walks…).

Use whatever language you are most comfortable with as you tap for:

1) Any pain your dog is experiencing, specifically the symptoms the dog is showing.

2) Any changes to your dog’s routine and how it’s lifestyle has been affected.

3) For the dog’s body healing the tumor, healing the cause of the tumor, easily comfortably and in a healthy manner.

4) If your dog is on any medication, tap to be able to respond favorably to the treatment, working with the medication to heal, and quickly, easily and comfortably releasing any toxins from the body in a healthy manner. Do the same for any surgery or medical procedures.

ENERGY MEDICINE TECHNIQUES to help balance your dog’s energies (can be done daily):

1) Massage BETWEEN the toes on the dog’s paws, including under the toe on the bottom of the pad and beneath the dew claws.

2) Massage the ears – these are reflexology points, and your dog will love you!

3) Draw figure 8’s in the aura around the tumor. This helps crossing the energy flow to promote healing.

In fact you can draw sideways figure 8’s up and down the spine too. Either in the aura or lightly tracing on the skin.

4) Draw counterclockwise circles around the tumor while imagining drawing energy out of the tumor and allowing it to shrink.

Remember, your INTENTION matters a lot. Tapping affects the dog’s energy, and being clear and in a loving space (without fear as much as possible) is what your dog picks up on. What you feel, think about and visualize is just as important as what you say and the tone of voice you use while treating the dog.

That’s the rub! Our pets really tug on our heartstrings. Sometimes I get so caught up emotionally that I have to ask my girlfriend for a more detached opinion. It might be easier for you to work with the dog than your daughter, who might have a lot of emotions about the situation.

Relax with your Dog Before Tapping


When and how often should you tap? Treat the dog when both of you are calm and comfortable. Relax with your pet, start by petting and cooing so they feel loved and cared for.

In my small animal acupressure training we were told to treat dogs only 2-3 times a week so as not to overwhelm and to allow the energy a chance to stabilize between sessions.

Go with your intuition and good luck!

I’d love to hear your questions & suggestions – please enter the discussion in the comment section of this blog!

Love & light,

Gwenn Bonnell





    2 replies to "EFT Tapping Treatments for Dogs with Cancer Tumors (It Works for Humans Too!)"

    • Cindy

      Wow Gwenn, I needed this post 5 months ago. On the Sunday before Easter I noticed my little guy,”Buddy” walking funny. I took him to the Vet the next day and he thought he had a slipped disc, gave him pain meds and told me to cage rest him. Within a few days he was paralysed and the following Saturday he was unable to urinate. We had to rush him to a specialist, surgery vet hospital Easter Sunday morning and after 4 days of hospitalisation, numerous tests, spinal tap and MRI we finally got a diagnosis on the Thursday of an inoperable spinal tumour. I was devastated and had never thought about doing tapping or any type of alternative therapy on him other than going in and holding him or as long as I could every day. On that dreadful Thursday I made the heartbreaking decision to put him down as he was deteriorating so quickly and was still unable to move or urinate. If only I had of known or thought about this I would have tried. I would have done anything to save him as he was my baby. I now live with the aftermath of that painful decision and the horrific memory of holding him through his final moments and breath. I thank you for writing on this subject and hope it can help others deal with their dogs ailments so they possibly don’t have to go through what I am right now. For us everything happened so quickly that I’m not sure if anything would have helped but having this knowledge would have given me something to try as I felt so helpless through it all and God did not answer my prayers. I don’t feel strong enough to get another go right now but I will keep this post or the future in case I ever do. Thank you, I appreciate your efforts.

    • Gwenn Bonnell

      Hi Cindy,
      Thanks for sharing. My heart goes out to you, having a similar situation over three years ago with my own little fur-baby. The memory of holding her while she took her last breath still brings tears to my eyes. It took a lot of tears and tapping to make the decision to get another dog, but I still had a second dog who is blind and does so much better with a companion. So after I year we visited the Shih-Tzu rescue; afterwards I had a real cathartic sob and decided it was time to introduce a new (older) dog into our home. You’ve got to remember that God does answer your prayers – think of all the precious moments you spent with your Buddy. That’s why I tell my husband to enjoy our dogs while we have them : )

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