“I feel privileged to read this raw, poignant story of Anastacia’s life. The story drew me in so tightly I felt loss after the book finished. Anastacia exhibits a transparency in sharing her lessons that allows her readers to feel their own vulnerability. It is truly an honor to be touched and lifted by Anastacia’s raw heart.” – Linda Curry, author of Pebbles of Gold and founder of True Balance Wellness.

"This journey from powerlessness into self-awareness, self-transformation and freedom is one of the most powerful I have ever read. Its writing is brilliant and its spiritual power is profound. I’ve shared its story with more than 200 people, and they were all deeply inspired – as was I." ~David McArthur, author of Your Spiritual Heart.

"First, I have to say WOW!!
It was a beautiful story. I felt like I was in each moment, right there with you. Your words are so powerful. While I was reading it, there were moments when I took a breath and thought, “She is just like me.” I see now that you have indeed taken your power back. I will use it as a way to help others. We all get Shattered Into Being; that is how we release our inner light. The ending made me feel strong and hopeful. It helped me think of my own life, and how I too have been a "Beacon Shattered Into Being". Thank you for such an amazing book, and for sharing it with me. I look forward to reading more of your books and blogs." ~Yvonne Williams, author of A Drop of Water.

"I just finished reading your book. It is a very compelling read, and well written. I think it is a story of survival, and just as the book you were given at the women's shelter did for you, it will help others to know that they are not alone. I think it is important in this way – and a gift." ~JMS
This poignant story tells of personal tragedy and triumph, of getting lost and finding the internal compass – one’s own North Star – to take responsibility for creating a life of value and purpose. It acknowledges that a lack of self-esteem and confidence is at the root of victimization – that taking responsibility for personal choice and action brings empowerment – and that forgiving oneself, while releasing blame, removes the final obstacles to freedom and eternal joy.

This is my story, my truth as I have experienced it, perceived it and believed it to be at the time. I do not pretend to know the motivations or perceptions of others. My experience is mine alone. My perception of the actions of others has been colored by my own beliefs, values and expressions. This is how I experienced the words, actions and intentions of others through my own filters of limitation and belief.

I, Anastacia Jayet, am not simply my name. I identified by six legal names by the time I was thirty-one years old. I am not my title, my job or the place where I live. I have had many titles, experienced many diverse jobs and moved many times. I lived many years adrift without knowing who I was. I lacked self-esteem and confidence, disconnected from all that surrounded me. I journeyed, studied and experienced many concepts of myself through many different lenses of perception – until I realized that I am unlimited, ever changing yet constant – and that everything is possible and a potential part of my becoming. I am at peace in the eye of the storm. That is who I am. I have learned to accept all aspects of myself by surrendering, trusting, allowing, receiving and accepting all that is.

It is my intention that others know they are not alone, and that their journeys and stories are important. The more we share our stories, the greater healing we can experience - releasing, forgiving and allowing ourselves to be loved once more. In sharing we learn, we become vulnerable and we are forced to face ourselves. This is how we find our way back to the power within. It is how we find the healing power of love, and the gentle guidance of the still small voice within our hearts. This voice speaks to us as we learn our pattern - the singular lesson of this life -expressed in a thousand ways. This is the kernel of truth, the seed, that has matured as we journey through life.

Once we know the nature of our seed, our pattern, we are empowered. We are transformed from victim to creator through compassion, forgiveness and understanding. The storms of life are as much a blessing as are the gifts along the way. Gratitude, humility and integrity guide us on the path to wisdom. A pure heart will reveal the truth within; the unlimited power of love to heal and transform all suffering into light.

We are afforded the opportunity to choose to help others find their own truth, as we continue to share our stories, patterns and struggles to live life on purpose. It is always a choice to share what a life filled with value and meaning can be. Living life in service to all sentient beings is the expression of transformation in form.
"This book is a gift!"  ~ JMS