I’m very happy with my winter crop of veggies! I’ve never had an interest in growing veggies apart from an occasional flirtation with tomatoes (I reached the pinnacle of my success last year!).
However my dad loved his vegetable garden and worked in it from dawn till dusk and I don’t think mum ever had to buy anything from the greengrocer.
No, as I slowly start to slide into senility, I’ve found some time to spare and have ventured into veggie growing.
Demonstrating that the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree I seem to have picked up my dad’s horticultural skills to be able to grow some pretty good looking vegetables.
We are already eating the broccoli and it is fantastic. Now, the first cauliflowers are making an appearance and maybe we’ll find that the cabbages and brussel sprouts will make an appearance soon.
I’m quite chuffed!

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