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Christian Relationship Devotional: Keep Your Side Clean

Life and relationships are complicated. There are all kinds of things you cannot control, including what other people do. However, you can control what you do. No matter what happens, it is your responsibility to keep your side of the street clean.

God holds each of us accountable for our own actions and our reactions to others; he doesn’t hold us accountable for the actions and reactions of others. What this means is that you are responsible for doing your part, regardless of whether or not other people do their part.

Just what does that mean in real life? It means:

  • You take care of your duties and responsibilities, even if someone else is abdicating theirs.
  • You admit your part when you are wrong by acknowledging it and apologizing, even if the other person provoked you or doesn’t apologize (unless it isn’t safe).
  • You initiate reconciliation with someone who is upset with you.
  • You accept that you make your own choices and refuse to blame anyone for your actions and reactions.
  • You do what is right and live according to your values.
  • You regularly check your motives.
  • You self-evaluate continually with an openness and willingness to have the Holy Spirit show you the truth about yourself.
  • You maintain a humble and repentant heart before the Lord.

This doesn’t mean that what other people do doesn’t matter or that they aren’t responsible for their part—they are. It doesn’t mean that you can’t speak the truth about their part in the right way and time. It doesn’t mean you can’t have feelings about what people do either. It just means that you are taking care of your part by keeping your side of the street clean.

By Karla Downing


Relationship Devotional Prayer


Help me keep my side of the street clean. Give me a willingness to be humble and open. Give me discernment in identifying what my part is.


Relationship Devotional Challenge


  • Purpose to keep your side of the street clean.
  • Identify two practical ways you will do it this week.



Scripture Meditation

Romans 12:18

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (NIV).