how to make atlas stones
making atlas stones with slater stone molds

Who else is ready to start making their own high quality atlas stones from the man who innovated the process himself, Steve Slater?

Pick up this highly detailed instructional video today,
and start learning how to make atlas stones from the man who has been making the stones used in the biggest contests for the strongest competitors in the world over the last 15 years!

The Atlas Stones are perhaps the most recognizable part of the sport of strongman. They are a part of almost every single contest, and usually held at the end as a way to truly decide who is the strongest of all the competitors.

Atlas Stones are also a favorite piece of training equipment for the most serious strength enthuiasts.

Steve Slater pioneered the art of making Atlas Stones when he invented his patented Slater Stone Molds in 1998.

Since then, he has made more Atlas Stones than anyone on earth, and is the guy that everyone calls when they want to know how to make the world's best atlas stones.

As Stone Lifting has become more popular, the need for proper instruction on how to make Atlas Stones has been ever-increasing.

No one wants to take all the time to mix the concrete, fill the mold, and then open it only to find that messed up the mixture, leaving them with an ugly, rough stone that rips up their arms and just sits there off to the side like an eye-sore.

Now, Steve Slater has put together the definitive resource on how to build Atlas Stones, so that all of the time and care you put into building them leaves you with a stone you can be proud of, and that you can lift for years, developing unparalleled strength, and allowing you to perform at a high level in the sport of strongman or in other sports that demand, strength, power, and explosion.

Introducing, "How to Make Atlas Stones," by Steve Slater and Jedd Johnson.

This 69-minute DVD will show you everything you need to know about making Atlas Stones, directly from Steve Slater himself.

What is Covered in This DVD?

Stone Making Materials:

In this section, we show you the materials that you need to be using to make high quality stones. The days of mixing concrete up in a wheelbarrow with a hoe and then scooping it out or pouring it through a funnel are over. Steve shares with you the exact tools and materials he uses, after his many years of experience with making stones.

Proper Mold Preparation:

With Slater Stone molds, it is easily possible to make, 20, 40 or even 50 stones out fo the same mold, but only if you do it right. Steve will show you the proper way to prepare a mold so that it produces a high quality stone every time, and so the mold lasts you years.

If you've invested in Stone Molds as a way to sell atlas stones, you want to make the best stones possible, right? And I'd imagine the idea of making several dozen stones from the same mold sounds like a pretty good return on your investment, right? We are going to show you how make that happen.

How to Use Inserts

When making Atlas Stones, sometimes you need to make the stone heavier or lighter than the normal mixture will produce. We will show you the proper way to install heavy and light inserts in your mold prior to filling them so that you can make graduated atlas stones.

By incorporating inserts, you can make a series of stones with a wide range of weights, all with the same size diameter. Having a larger variety of stones means quicker results in faster time.

How to Mix the Concrete

In the past, mixing concrete could be an absolute nightmare. Using the handy concrete mixing bags that Slater's makes available, mixing concrete is a piece of cake.

These bags also make filling the mold a cinch.

Filling the Mold

Filling the mold with the concrete mixture involves more than just pouring the mixture into the fill hole. There are many other things to take into account when filling your stone mold to make sure the stone you pull out is of the highest quality, with as smooth a surface as possible, and one that works well for you, whether the lifter uses tacky or does not.

You will understand the techniques and the reasons behidn you you must do it this way through the commentary Steve provides as he pours a giant stone, made especially for World's Strongest Man 2011 winner, Brian Shaw.

Opening the Mold

Opening the mold is another crucial step in ensuring your atlas stone looks great. Steve shows you everything you need to effortlessly open the mold while also making sure you keep the stone round and smooth as possible.

Again, Steve brings his years of experience making hundreds of atlas stone to the table, providing pointers and important details throughout the mold opening process.

Patching the Stone Surface

In many cases, when the water pushes to the top of the mold, it can leave behind small pock marks and blemishes. Steve will show you exactly how you can give your stone a facelift by using concrete patching material on the stone to make sure it looks like a million bucks when you train with it.

Making Husafell Stones

Another type of Strongman training that is becoming more and more popular all the time is the Husafell Stone carry. In this section, Steve shows you the simple way to make a Husafell Stone using the Slater Husafell Mold.

Now, whether you have your sites set on a Strongman championship, enjoy the feeling you get from carrying odd objects for conditioning purposes, or if you want to train to lift the original Husafell Stone itself, this segment will show you how it's done.

Common Stone Making Questions

Steve is known world-wide for his Stone Molds and the stones he has made for World's Strongest Man contests, it's competitors, and strength eenthusiasts alike, so he is the go-to man when it comes to making stones, and he has spoken with hundreds of people over the years about the art of making Atlas Stones.

In this section, Steve and I sit down, and grill him on many of the questions he gets through phone and email each and every week. We touch on how to take care of a mold to make sure it lasts, how long to let the concrete mix set, stone making horror stories he has heard, and many other common stone making topics.

Now it's time for you to learn the technique
and start making your own high quality atlas stones.


All the Best with Your Stone Making and Lifting,

Steve Slater & Jedd Johnson

Stone Making DVD | Atlas Stone Molds | Atlas Stone Variety Kit | Concrete Strengthening Fibers
Mold Release | Lightening Inserts | Heavy Inserts |

how to make atlas stones