Trump Wants To Terminate NAFTA And Replace It With USMCA – Which Is UN Agenda 2030 in Disguise

Last week, President Donald Trump, outgoing Mexican President Enrique Peùa Nieto, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met in Argentina and signed the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA. This treaty is intended to further the political merger of these countries). USMCA, like NAFTA, stifles free trade, overrides national sovereignty, and increases the power of the UN and the World Trade Organization.  The document obligates the US to follow UN Agenda 2030 and rule by unelected bureaucrats.  -GEG

Summary by JW Williams

Journalist Gary Gileno analyzes Trump’s new USMCA agreement that is steeped in the United Nations Sustainable Development program that is based on global warming alarmism.  Gileno explains that UN Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development is implemented at the local level while UN Agenda 2030 implements world government on the international level.  Agenda 21 takes resources that are abundant and makes them appear to be scarce, in order to justify rationing resources such as water and energy.  Trump’s new agreement advances UN Sustainable Development and the word “sustainable” is allover his document in chapter 24, the environmental section of the USMCA treaty even though Trump says that he is against control by the United Nations and that he doesn’t believe in climate change.
The point of the new agreement is to change the governing structure of the United States from a constitutional republic with representatives who legislate on behalf of the citizens to rule by unelected bureaucrats sitting on international boards and commissions, centralizing one world government.  New international committees will supersede Congress.
Accountants, engineers, lawyers, doctors, architects, researchers and every other business professional will be allowed to flood into the US to take over jobs in the US which already has employment problems and Americans who are homeless.
Rosa Koire points out that the goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development program is the loss of sovereignty and private property, which includes control over your body and mind.
Gary’s critics claim that NAFTA is worse and that the USMCA agreement is a less harmful replacement because the president is not able to get rid of NAFTA, it must be done by Congress.  Critics point to Trump removing the US from the Paris Acord, the TPP the UN Migration Compact and other UN treaties and believe that Trump is still against the New World Order.


From the New American:

Trump, PeĂąa Nieto, and Trudeau Sign USMCA Integration Scheme

Early Friday morning, U.S. President Donald Trump, outgoing Mexican President Enrique PeĂąa Nieto, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and signed the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), intended to further the economic integration of all three North American countries.

In his opening remarks, shortly before signing the USMCA, Trump called the new agreement “a truly groundbreaking achievement,” describing it as “the largest, most significant, modern and balanced trade agreement in history.”

Trump went on to laud the supposed economic benefits of the USMCA, but absent in his remarks was any mention of American sovereignty, which the agreement both erodes through the further economic integration of the three countries and abrogates to international regimes such as the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and International Labor Organization.

Although now signed, the trade pact still has to overcome several hurdles before it goes into effect as the replacement for NAFTA. Most importantly, the agreement has to be ratified by the legislative bodies of all three countries in order to become binding.

Mexico is expected to be the first of the three nations to ratify the agreement. Because Mexico regards the USMCA as a treaty, which they call T-MEC (Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, Spanish for Treaty between Mexico, United States and Canada), it will have to be ratified by the Senate of the Republic — the upper chamber of Mexico’s bicameral congress. The intention is for the Mexican Senate to ratify the treaty quickly so they can focus on domestic legislation and policy under incoming Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who will be inaugurated on Saturday, December 1, 2018.

In his pre-signing remarks, delivered in Spanish, President Peña Nieto said, “The negotiations for the Treaty, Mexico, United States, and Canada, permitted to reaffirm the importance of the economic integration of North America.” Peña Nieto continued to boast about the increased economic integration that the T-MEC/USMCA would accomplish: “The renegotiation of the new trade accord looked to save the vision of an integrated North America — [with] the conviction that together we are stronger and more competitive.”

Regarding Mexico’s benefit, Peña Nieto continued, “The Treaty [of] Mexico, United States, and Canada gives a renewed face toward our integration.” He further boasted how the trade treaty “facilitates the participation of more sectors of the economy,” including small and medium-sized businesses. He praised the progressiveness of the deal, as well as how the new trade pact is a living agreement: “[It] employs the protection of workers rights, strengthens environmental protection, and includes a revision clause that allows for constant updates.”

Although Mexico is expected to ratify the USMCA first, a dozen Republican U.S. senators have urged President Trump to send Congress the finalized text of the agreement as soon as possible in order to approve it in the current 115th Congress, before the new 116th Congress is sworn in on January 3, 2019.

In a letter to President Trump, dated November 20, 2018, Senator Pat Toomey (R-Penn.) wrote: “It is still possible for the current Congress to consider and vote on the USMCA before the end of the 115th Congress, and do so by using Trade Promotion Authority’s procedural protections, including a simple majority vote in the Senate.”

The letter went on to urge the president to hand in the necessary documents as soon as possible in order to “start the clock on a mandatory 30-day waiting period” so Congress can draft and submit a USMCA Implementation Act to be voted on when both legislative chambers are in session, in the current lame-duck Congress.

Read full article here…




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