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Warning Issued for Bravo! and Steve’s Real Raw Pet Foods

March 12, 2013 – The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is alerting consumers to avoid feeding or handling two brands of poultry-based raw pet food after the MDA laboratory discovered Salmonella bacteria in routine sample tests.

Bravo! Raw Food Diet

One of the affected products include Bravo! Raw Food Diet 2 lb. Chicken Blend for Dogs and Cats manufactured by Bravo!, LLC, of Manchester, Connecticut.

Bravo! Chicken Blend Raw Dog FoodThis is a frozen pet food product with the production code of 06/14/12, which is located on the white tag on the end of the package.

This advisory is for the 2 lb. size of Bravo! Chicken Blend with the “Best Used by Date” of 6/14/14 only.

No other products, sizes, or production dates are involved.

The FDA has confirmed the recall in a news bulletin last updated by the Agency on March 14, 2013.

The recall is confirmed in this news release from the Bravo! website.

For further information, consumers are invited to contact the company at 866-922-9222.

Steve’s Real Food

The other affected product includes Steve’s Real Food Turducken Canine Diet 8 ounce patties, manufactured by Steve’s Real Food, Inc., of Murray, Utah.

Steve's Real Food TurduckenThis is a frozen pet food product with the “Use By Date” code of 10/27/13 B209, which is located on the lower front panel of package.

For further information, contact the company at 801-540-8481 or [email protected].

There are no reports of human or animal illnesses associated with consumption of these products.

About Salmonella

Salmonella can affect animals eating the product, and there is a risk to humans from handling contaminated products.

People handling contaminated raw pet food can become infected with Salmonella, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with surfaces exposed to this product.

Pets with Salmonella infections may exhibit decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain.

If left untreated, pets may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever and vomiting.

Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed this product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.

Human symptoms of salmonellosis include diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps and fever. Symptoms usually begin within 12 to 72 hours after exposure, but can begin up to a week after exposure.

Salmonella infections usually resolve in 5-7 days, but approximately 20 percent of cases require hospitalization.

In rare cases, Salmonella infection can lead to death, particularly in the elderly or those with weakened immune systems.

Anyone who has become ill after handling this product should see their health care provider.

What to Do?

Consumers are asked to discard any of these products they may have.

You can report complaints about FDA-regulated pet food products by calling the consumer complaint coordinator in your area.

Or go to http://www.fda.gov/petfoodcomplaints.

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Key information


Raw Food Diet Chicken Blend for Dogs and Cats

Date of warning:

March 12, 2013


Steve’s Real Food, Inc.


Salmonella discovered in routine tests

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