
Joseph Banister

Former IRS Special Agent

Former IRS Special Agent

Standing Up To Government Bullies Since 1999

The Investigation Begins

Learn about Joe's research

While an IRS agent, Joe Banister was challenged by a radio talk show to disprove the assertion that the federal income tax laws were being illegitimately administered and enforced. Given his and his family’s government service background, along with the morals and ethics learned during his youth and adulthood, not to mention being mindful of his solemn oath to the U.S. Constitution, Joe sensed an obligation to investigate this assertion, even though he privately questioned how it could possibly be true.

What did Joe Find?

Joseph Banister

Learn Joe's courageous story about his occupation at the IRS and learn what he came to discover while working there. Also learn more about his family members and his faith.

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Investigating the Federal Income Tax

By donating you can help support the effort to share the results of Joe's exhaustive investigation into the federal income tax system with more and more Americans. For those who donate at least $30.00, we will send you a free copy of a brand new book Joe wrote called Investigating The Federal Income Tax: A Report To The American People. This book is 239 pages and has approximately 50 exhibits that will truly astound you!

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Joe's Family

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