
ABOUT April Crawford:

The short version is that April Crawford is one of the world's  most naturally adept Full Body Open Deep Trance Channels.  April is also a best selling author, with twelve print books and more than twelve books for Kindle available at AMAZON and other online bookstores.  You can find all of them in both print book and Kindle digital formats HERE

April Crawford also co-hosts the "Inner Whispers" Radio Show with VERONICA where VERONICA responds to posted questions and comments, and at the end of each show delivers her direct "Message to The World".  The "Inner Whispers Radio Show is available at www.InnerWhispersRadio.com and also syndicated on the iHeart Radio network. Access to 30 minute podcasts of The Inner Whispers Interviews featuring the Causal Plane Entity and guide VERONICA, as well as various live recorded videos of VERONICA speaking on a variety of subjects and answering questions is available using the Navigation Links at the top of each page.

***To schedule a telephone conversation/reading directly and one-on-one with VERONICA,

inquire about pricing, scheduling, and general questions about how the conversations/readings work via e-mail at: AprilReadings@aol.com ***


VERONICA is a Causal Plane nonphysical Entity and Guide that speaks and writes via Full Body Open Deep Trance Channel April Crawford.  VERONICA is internationally known with clients worldwide.  VERONICA also co-hosts the "Inner Whispers" Radio Show, which is available at www.InnerWhispersRadio.com and also syndicated on the iHeart                 Network.

VERONICA has completed over 10,000 telephone and in-person readings with individuals, including medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, professional mediums and energy workers and intuitives, as well as business CEO's and founders, Physicists, and of course everyday people on a wide range of personal relationships, personal growth, and various client and family related issues.

To schedule a telephone conversation/reading directly and one-on-one with VERONICA, inquire via e-mail at AprilReadings@aol.com.  Your friends and family can sign up for VERONICA's free "Inner Whispers" newsletter HERE

For YouTube videos of VERONICA speaking, search "April Crawford" or "Inner Whispers" when you get to YouTube.

VERONICA's Facebook Page is:  "VERONICA via April Crawford"