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I Believe in YOU

“I’m Alvin Day and I Believe”

I believe in possibilities”. I believe anything is possible if you’re a dreamer who wakes up and takes action. When head knowledge is combined with a burning, passionate fire in the belly, even average, normal people do extraordinary feats. This belief guides all my work with individuals and organizations. “I believe leadership” is the solution to every challenge faced by your organizations or team. To invest in your leaders is to invest in the staff. Empower the leaders and you empower the team. This belief guides my coaching to move leaders from good to great.I believe you”…yes, YOU, were born to succeed—to be great—to achieve at least one more spectacular, life changing thing before you die. You were created with great purpose and until you begin to pursue it, nothing you do will bring you lasting meaning or satisfaction. This belief guides me to tease, coax and entice you toward taking the greatest journey of your life.

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Access Alvin’s Treasure Trove of Products

BORN TO FLY – Powerful, Easy-to-Apply Strategies for a Great Life. Discover: 4 Tests to Clarify your Life Purpose, If and When to Quit your Job right, Words you Should Never Say to yourself and more. PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT – Discover the Untapped Power that Teachers and Parents Did not Tell you you Have. Banish Doubt, Distress, Discouragement and Other Dysfunctions. Live with wonder! PERSONALITY TYPES AND TEMPERAMENTS — Learn What Makes YOU Tick, AND…How Others Are Wired. Motivate, Move and Make them Want to Support, Help, or Do What you Want them to Do! Gain Powerful People Influence.WARNING: SO POWERFUL, DO NOT USE TO MANIPULATE. PRODUCTIVITY IN ADVERSITY —Excel, not in Spite of, but Because of Life’s Problems! Operate in a Zone with no Viable Competition—Where, you Are Great When Things Are Going Well, and Even Greater when Things Are NOT Going Well! Become Unstoppable. PERSUASION POWERScience of Successful Selling. Virtually Unknown Scientific Findings about How the Human Mind Works and How to Get it to Say YES! More Often. If you’re in Sales, you’ll Want this. If you Are not, you’ll NEED this.WARNING: SO POWERFUL, DO NOT USE TO MANIPULATE. AND MORE ––We Continue to Add Other Competencies to Help you Become, Achieve and Earn More!

From The Blog

Life & Death

Life & Death

Herein lies a question of your life and your death—how they come together to make you valuable or worthless

Influence Button

Influence Button

Here is a powerful button you push to influence others. Caution. Do not use this to manipulate.


I was able to rely on Alvin’s council as I conceptualized and implemented a major initiative for the Valvoline brand that both changed how our organization works and dislocated the market in our favor.  It required enormous organization change and coordination.  Alvin’s direction focused and improved my capabilities as a leader, and helped me drive unprecedented results for our organization.”

Peter W. Demko Director of Marketing–Global Brands, Valvoline

“After spending a day with Alvin, our entire organization was hungry to win in the marketplace. He ignited in them a burning passion for personal excellence. I have rarely seen them so fired up. His principles and techniques are inspirational, entertaining and practical at the same time.

“Alvin came at a time of transition, when our people faced uncertainties and fears. He helped them increase their focus and performance in that difficult period. At the end, everyone was asking for more of this in the future!” 

Yolanda Guerrero

Director, Colgate-Palmolive, Mexico