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Neuroscience News is an independent open access science magazine. Since 2001, we have featured neuroscience research news from labs, universities, hospitals and news departments around the world. Topics include brain research, AI, psychology, neuroscience, mental health and neurotech.

Science news articles cover neuroscience, neurology, psychology, AI, mental health, robotics, neurotechnology and cognitive sciences.

Recent research suggests the brain might host its own microbiome, challenging the long-held belief that it is a sterile organ. Studies have found bacterial and fungal genetic material in brain tissues, particularly in those with Alzheimer’s. The brain microbiome could be linked to diseases, offering potential new treatment avenues. However, much remains unknown about how microbes enter and affect the brain.
A new study describes auto-brewery syndrome, a rare condition where gut fungi ferment alcohol, leading to intoxication without drinking. A 50-year-old woman, repeatedly visiting the emergency department for unexplained alcohol intoxication symptoms, was diagnosed with this syndrome after numerous assessments. Treatment with antifungal medication and a low-carb diet proved effective. Awareness of this syndrome is crucial for accurate diagnosis and management.
Brain volume decreases in first-time fathers are linked to increased parenting involvement, yet also more sleep problems and mental health issues. This study aligns with earlier findings in mothers, indicating that brain changes might aid in caregiving. Despite potential challenges, active parenting benefits both fathers and children. The findings emphasize the need for supportive policies for new parents.

Neurology news articles cover neurology, brain cancer, traumatic brain injuries, neurosurgery, neuroanatomy, brain research and neurological disorders.

Long COVID, affecting 7% of U.S. adults, often includes debilitating brain fog. Symptoms like forgetfulness and difficulty focusing affect daily life and work. A new study highlights that while brain fog often resolves, it significantly impacts mental function. Effective coping strategies and treatments are crucial for managing this condition.
13% of older adults are diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI), often from ground-level falls. The study found that wealthier, healthier, and more active seniors have a higher risk of TBI, contrary to previous findings in younger populations. This research highlights the need for tailored post-TBI care and preventative measures.
As we age, our brain naturally becomes more insulin resistant, disrupting neuron communication and leading to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration. Researchers studied how acute insulin resistance impacts neuronal function before symptoms of chronic conditions like Alzheimer's manifest.

AI news articles cover science articles about artificial intelligence including ChatGPT, Bard, Dalle, neural networks, machine learning, LLMs, AGI and other AI related topics.

Researchers developed a human-inspired AI training method that improves object recognition by incorporating spatial data, leading to a 14.99% performance boost. This novel approach mimics how infants learn from their environment, training AI systems more efficiently. The findings could advance AI for extreme environments or space exploration.
A new study explores using VR and AI to improve public speaking skills and reduce anxiety. PresentationPro simulates realistic presentation settings with AI-driven audience avatars that provide real-time feedback. This approach offers a safe, repeatable environment for practice, potentially benefiting a wide range of users beyond students.

Science research articles cover psychology, depression, mental health, schizophrenia, mental disorders, happiness, stress, PTSD, autism, psychiatry and therapy.

Staying up late harms mental health regardless of one's natural sleep preference. Surveying nearly 75,000 adults, researchers discovered that both morning and night types who stayed up late had higher rates of mental disorders. Surprisingly, aligning with one's chronotype didn't matter—early bedtimes benefited everyone. The study suggests lights out by 1 a.m. for better mental health.
A new study links shorter sleep duration in teens to higher social media usage, involving brain regions crucial for executive control and reward processing. The inferior frontal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus are key in how adolescents regulate engagement with social media and manage decisions related to sleep.

Trending Neuroscience News

These are the most viewed Neuroscience News articles of the month.

Researchers found that a hormone-producing cell in the adrenal glands may explain why oldfield mice are monogamous while their close relatives are promiscuous. This hormone, 20⍺-OHP, boosts nurturing behavior, suggesting a link to monogamy.
A new study finds that altered states of consciousness (ASCs), like those experienced during meditation, are more common than previously thought. 45% of respondents reported experiencing ASCs at least once, often leading to positive outcomes. However, a significant minority also reported negative or even life-threatening suffering, highlighting the need for better support and understanding of these experiences.
Fruit flies use the neurotransmitter octopamine to decide whether food memories are stored long-term or short-term. This process, influenced by energy reserves, affects future eating behavior. High glycogen levels result in stable food memories, prompting increased food intake even after fasting. The research suggests that similar mechanisms may influence overeating in humans.