
Are Composite Charts More Important Then Synastry?

“In your style, do you feel composite charts are more, less or just as significant as synastry? I know that every astrologer has a different style & preference. Just wondering what your take on it is. Are they both different but hold just the same weight of importance?” They are both significant but for different

parting shot

The Psychopath’s Parting Shot

Continuing to mull what I know about psychopathy, first I want to mention, I know or have known a number of them. I’m not necessarily talking about my father when I write this stuff. Psychopaths love to mess with people. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you know it’s happening in the moment.  The example offered

little girl moon

Lunar Returns In Real Life

I had a string of Lunar returns with my moon on a sensitive again aka exposed. It was three months out of the last four.  It bothered me more than I’d have expected.  This month broke the trend.  I liked the chart a lot and wondered how things would unfold.  It’s pretty funny how this

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